doppler effect in Czech

Doppler effect Doplerův efekt

Sentence patterns related to "doppler effect"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "doppler effect" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "doppler effect", or refer to the context using the word "doppler effect" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Flaw detection system using acoustic doppler effect

2. It's called the Doppler effect, which you've probably heard of.

3. His early work focused on the Doppler effect in optics and acoustics.

4. It however gives a precise relative speed measurement due to the doppler effect.

5. Sometimes search radars use the Doppler effect to separate moving vehicles from clutter.

6. Both the Doppler-Effect and the aberration of the reflected wave are computed.

7. Methods and systems for determining the resonance frequency of a resonator by Doppler effect.

8. The acoustic streaming may allow a Doppler effect measurement without any other source of velocity.

9. 20 Could GPS ever be used to measure effects besides the gravitational redshift and Doppler effect?

10. A device for determining the velocity in a flowing fluid by use of the acoustic doppler-effect

11. As the spectra of these stars vary due to the Doppler effect, they are called spectroscopic binaries.

12. Sometimes, the only evidence of a binary star comes from the Doppler effect on its emitted light.

13. Motion is detected by the change in frequency, due to the Doppler effect, of the reflected waves.

14. The invention concerns a process and device for contactless detection of vehicle movement parameters using the Doppler effect.

15. The classical and the relativistic Doppler effect for both acoustic and light waves are formulated exactly by a systematic method.

16. The transverse Doppler effect and consequently time dilation was directly observed for the first time in the Ives–Stilwell experiment (1938).

17. Joint constraints imposed on multiband time transitivity and doppler-effect differences, for separating, characterizing, and locating sound sources via passive acoustics

18. A Doppler stethoscope is an electronic device that measures the Doppler effect of ultrasound waves reflected from organs within the body.

19. Doppler Radio Direction Finder is a technology that measures the angle between radio transmitter and the radio using Doppler effect (Doppler principle).

20. With the help of this concept, Lorentz could explain the aberration of light, the Doppler effect and the Fizeau experiment as well.

21. D0940 Doppler effect The change in the observed frequency of an acoustic or electromagnetic wave due to the relative motions of the source and the observer.

22. The (n) suffix indicates that the absorption lines in the star's spectrum appear nebulous because it is spinning rapidly, causing the lines to broaden because of the Doppler effect.

23. This permits the explanation of many acoustic phenomena – the Doppler effect, sound cancellations, echoes – that derive from the movement of sound sources or the interference and reflection of sound waves.

24. His early work was focused on Doppler effect in optics and acoustics . In 1864 he took a job as professor of mathematics in Graz , in 1866 he was also appointed as a professor of physics.