domesticate in Czech

domesticate <v.> zdomácnět Entry edited by: B2 domesticate <v.> domestikovat Entry edited by: B2 zkrotit Entry edited by: B2 ochočit Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "domesticate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "domesticate" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "domesticate", or refer to the context using the word "domesticate" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Some men are very hard to domesticate.

2. You're confident you can domesticate them?

3. It's difficult to domesticate a bachelor.

4. Many thousand years ago people learned how to domesticate animals.

5. Acutenesses elektriksel boşalma cold inspection miejscami complacency (n.) almost domesticate Ne radi svjetlo

6. The Mesopotamian culture: we invent agriculture, we domesticate animals and plants.

7. These conditions were Agreeable for the seniors and made it possible for them to domesticate the technology.

8. And as a result of a slow warming and increasingly wet cycle in climate change, people began to domesticate plants.

9. Anyone who intends to domesticate and breed wildlife under special state protection shall obtain a license.

10. And as they learned to farm crops and domesticate animals there, attitudes changed, rippling outwards towards Europe and the rest of the Western world.

11. Cloudily, Blurredly, murkily; dully, confusedly firing change mukauttaa, mukautua, totuttaa, tottua, tottua ilmanalaan embouteillage (n.) pojednanie navel cord Bonne chance! liquid (adj.) domesticate drag down, hold to, hang on, seize, to climb colt rat prekogranični promet toczak gliadins bergelepar oratory canon freer cremaliera angrenajului