dismantling in Czech

dismantling <n.> rozebírání Entry edited by: B2 demontáž Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "dismantling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dismantling" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dismantling", or refer to the context using the word "dismantling" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Mr Linley began dismantling his equipment.

2. Jimmy was in the garage, dismantling his bike.

3. The new government set about dismantling their predecessors'legislation.

4. Unions accuse the government of dismantling the National Health Service.

5. But uniting peoples means more than dismantling border controls.

6. — renting of scaffolds without erection and dismantling, see 71.32

7. Detachable mechanism allows easy replacement without dismantling the dispenser.

8. In December 2016, she arrived at Busan Dadaepo port for dismantling.

9. Cupronickel ore can be obtained by dismantling the following items:

10. 20 Detachable mechanism allows easy replacement without dismantling the dispenser.

11. And he's gone rogue, unfortunately intend on dismantling an imaginary terror network.

12. Installation, maintenance and dismantling of stages, trussing and scaffolding for events

13. 23 May 2011: Dismantling four tower cranes continues till mid-July.

14. 13 Involute spindle spindle: ideal bearing capacity and easy assembling and dismantling.

15. The Optical Museum was preserved from the Soviet occupation's dismantling programme 1946.

16. 15 Involute spline spindle: ideal bearing capacity and easy assembling and dismantling.

17. up to # % of cost of the dismantling, removal and re-erection of existing facilities

18. And there were some words from dismantling name sound or adding modifier phrase etc.

19. Big firms like Fiat and Pirelli began dismantling and de-centralizing labour forces.

20. But it remains unclear how far the plan will go in dismantling an entrenched system.

21. The estimates do not include the cost of dismantling nuclear weapons and military nuclear facilities.

22. In this one, a frenzied crowd seemed to be dismantling two locomotives made of rubber.

23. the estimated costs of dismantling, removing or restoring items of property, plant and equipment;

24. Future site restoration costs encompass costs for dismantling, abandoning, and cleaning up a property.

25. One morning, I climbed up pretty high on the building to help with dismantling.

26. While Britain started dismantling its selective system in the 1960s, Northern Ireland retained it.

27. The proposed bilateral agreement suspends the quotas in exchange for a rapid tariff dismantling by Serbia.

28. Rao accelerated the dismantling of the License Raj, reversing the socialist policies of Rajiv Gandhi's government.

29. Recovery, dismantling, destruction of packaging, refrigerating equipment, apparatus and machinery and of installations containing chemicals

30. Aircraft Engine Overhaul Mechanic - Mechanics maintain aircraft engines, including dismantling, inspecting, repair, assembling and testing.

31. (b) the estimated costs of dismantling, removing or restoring items of property, plant and equipment;

32. The dismantling of the personal social services would also open the way for commercial providers.

33. Boxy is a long-term investment: its extreme flexibility permits convenient dismantling and reconstruction, e.g

34. Antonyms for Appareling include disarraying, disrobing, stripping, unclothing, undressing, untrussing, denuding, shedding, divesting and dismantling

35. The authors also found that dismantling centralization leads to far greater quality, productivity, and profitability.

36. Multi-party democracy was introduced in Serbia in 1990, officially dismantling the one-party system.

37. Description of liquid waste treatment facilities during dismantling, storage capacities and discharge systems, including flow diagrams

38. Ignalina NPP Unit 1 operating license conditions were adapted to authorise dismantling and decontamination of equipment.

39. (b) the estimated costs of dismantling and removing items of property, plant or equipment and restoring the site;

40. In 1916, Masaryk went to France to convince the French government of the necessity of dismantling Austria-Hungary.

41. The seal can be adjusted for wear without dismantling the device, by rotation of the fixed conduit (80).

42. Morocco has decided to speed up the tariff dismantling provided for in the Agreement for some products.

43. the estimated costs of dismantling and removing items of property, plant or equipment and restoring the site

44. I think that you are dismantling what we have built over the past 10 years and I...

45. Sol Bodywork is committed to dismantling individual, systematic, and systemic white supremacy, ableism, homophobia, patriarchy, and other oppressive structures

46. Circuit bending usually involves dismantling the machine and adding components such as switches and potentiometers that alter the circuit.

47. Securing of the reactor site and the dismantling of the detonators, and the extraction of the two known hostages.

48. You've got to be cruel to be kind, and dismantling the Dome would be the best solution for everybody.

49. The dismantling of border posts in the 1980’s and 1990’s was designed to accelerate this process.

50. Pasaret is dismantling a hiring system where a job applicant's chief qualification was his or her party loyalty.