destabilizing in Czech

destabilizující Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "destabilizing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "destabilizing" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "destabilizing", or refer to the context using the word "destabilizing" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The ship's core is destabilizing.

2. The portal is destabilizing.

3. The whole Pacific plate is destabilizing.

4. The destabilizing effects of hunger are known throughout human history.

5. Some Breakups are quick and painless, others gut-wrenching and destabilizing

6. This destabilizing effect is not possible when X has a meta orientation.

7. Washington considers Mr. Chavez to be a destabilizing element in Latin America.

8. The Register could help to prevent an excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms.

9. The Register could help to prevent an excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms

10. The Register plays an important confidence-building role by discouraging excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms

11. Criminality and partisan activities continued to be a major destabilizing factor affecting the overall situation

12. Of course, this by no means exhausts the list of destabilizing advances in military technology.

13. The Register plays an important confidence-building role by discouraging excessive and destabilizing accumulation of arms.

14. 25 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.

15. While most humans struggle to maintain a sense of psychological unity, Contradictions produce destabilizing breaches in the self

16. as crucial instruments in countering the illicit transfer, destabilizing accumulation and misuse of small arms and light weapons,

17. The regulation of the derivatives market for commodities should be accordingly strengthened to prevent activities capable of destabilizing markets.

18. 26 Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.

19. It could be the most destabilizing element imaginable, and it appeared to be a possibility in any number of countries.

20. The Register provides data on international transfers of those categories of conventional arms which are potentially destabilizing when accumulated excessively

21. Numerous initiatives have been adopted nationally, regionally and multilaterally with a view to countering illicit arms traffic and the destabilizing accumulation of weapons:

22. It should be in the public interest to help avoid sudden reversals of risk appetite among financial intermediaries and investors, which have at times proven to be destabilizing.

23. An influential part of the Athenian press started attacking the Pallis translation, labeling its supporters “atheists,” “traitors,” and “agents of foreign powers” who were bent on destabilizing Greek society.

24. We encourage UNMIK and the Special Representative to pursue a consistent policy against destabilizing forces and criminal elements and for establishing the rule of law as the social foundation of Kosovo

25. And so we see an opportunity to counter and address Iran’s nuclear and proliferation threats, its destabilizing activity, and to create a better nonproliferation and deterrence architecture for Iran and the region.

26. In the statement meant for Congress he said: "While I favor tough measures to punish and deter aggressive and destabilizing behavior by Iran, North Korea, and Russia, this legislation is significantly flawed.

27. Postmodern philosophers such as Derrida take negative theology and the Apophatic move as a way of completely destabilizing all language, which in turn leads one into a nihilistic framework, away from being able to

28. We’ll continue to work with allies to counter the regime’s destabilizing activities in the region, block their financing of terror, and address Iran’s proliferation of missiles and other advanced weapons systems that threaten peace and stability.

29. Besides misusing carrots and sticks, Autocrats can discredit themselves through domestic policy failures—destabilizing the economy, hiking food prices, tolerating extreme corruption, and so on (for such policies to be a mistake, a superior alternative must have been feasible)

30. These sanctions are in addition to other ongoing efforts by Treasury to address destabilizing activity emanating from within Russia, including our sanctioning of Russians targeted for activities related to the North Korea sanctions program, the Global Magnitsky program, and the Sergei Magnitsky Act.

31. Today’s action counters Russia’s continuing destabilizing activities, ranging from interference in the 2016 U.S. election to conducting destructive cyber-attacks, including the NotPetya attack, a cyber-attack attributed to the Russian military on February 15, 2018 in statements released by the White House and the British Government.

32. But also, if we see areas of concern, we’ll engage with our friends and partners on ways that we believe they can help put the pressure on Iran to push back on the destabilizing activities of Iran that I think are of a concern to many in the world.