deposed in Czech

deposed sesazený Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "deposed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "deposed" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "deposed", or refer to the context using the word "deposed" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. A Queen Deposed

2. The people deposed the dictator.

3. Dieter is deposed after the ensuing scandal.

4. The deposed chief was restored .

5. The emperor was deposed and his army disbanded.

6. Their criminal ways continued even after Marcos was deposed.

7. The committee deposed him from his office.

8. The king was deposed by his people.

9. Did the king abdicate or was he deposed?

10. They deposed, exterminated and deprived him of communion.

11. The president was deposed in a military coup.

12. He deposed his father in a palace coup.

13. After he was deposed the original flag was restored.

14. The family even deposed Emperors and chose their successors.

15. The head of state was deposed by the army.

16. Shortly afterwards General Ayub Khan deposed Iskandar and declared himself president.

17. In the war, Napoleon III was captured and deposed.

18. Shorn of his power, the deposed king went into exile.

19. The invaders did not remain, but Khosrow was discredited, deposed, and executed.

20. The deposed dictator was burned in effigy by the crowd.

21. Mr Ben Bella was deposed in a coup in 19

22. He deposed his father in a palace coup in 19

23. Why was Vashti deposed as queen, and what was the result?

24. King Charles I was deposed from the English throne in 16

25. The deposed leaders are currently in exile in the neighbouring country.

26. Symington is slated to be deposed for two days next week.

27. The king was deposed by his son in a palace coup.

28. Haiti's first elected president was deposed in a violent military coup .

29. Albinus sent him a threatening letter, and three months later deposed him.

30. Ashikaga Yoshihide, the fourteenth shōgun, was deposed without ever entering the capital.

31. September: Nur Mohammed Taraki, The Marxist president of Afghanistan, is deposed and murdered.

32. The witness deposed to having seen the thief steal the golden ring.

33. The collector of customs was deposed in favor of a more accommodating administrator.

34. Sultan Mohammed V was deposed by French in 1953 then restored in 1955.

35. Since being deposed from that post he has thrived with Gillingham and Leicester.

36. Duy Tân was deposed and exiled to the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean.

37. When Judah’s king was deposed, the royal turban and the crown were removed.

38. The deposed leader is reported to have fled the capital to an unknown destination.

39. Mithridates then deposed Nicomedes IV from Bithynia, placing Socrates Chrestus on the throne.

40. The Merovingian rule ended in March 752 when Pope Zachary formally deposed Childeric III.

41. Lumumba was deposed in August 1960 and killed by soldiers six months later.

42. It is very difficult today to imagine a Prime Minister in good health, being deposed by Cabinet colleagues.

43. Despite being deposed twice by her husbands she ruled the country for nearly 30 years.

44. Louis Philippe was deposed in the revolutions of 1848, and fled to exile in England.

45. This friendship, however, did not last very long, for he was subsequently deposed by Caligula.

46. Albert was concerned for many of his royal relatives, a number of whom were deposed.

47. The witness deposed that she had seen the accused on the day of the murder.

48. 21 Governors have rebelled, and, for that matter, Emperors have been deposed, or assassinated before this.

49. I remembered the people dancing in the streets when the dictator Ershad was deposed in 19

50. Barking is the result of either anxiety or your dog being pre-genetically deposed to Barking, like hounds