dehumanized in Czech

dehumanized <v.> dehumanizoval Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "dehumanized"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dehumanized" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dehumanized", or refer to the context using the word "dehumanized" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. They dehumanized you.

2. Life in poverty has dehumanized them.

3. Terkel says today's society has been dehumanized by technology.

4. The years of civil war have dehumanized all of us.

5. Similarly alcoholics'lives are narrowed and dehumanized by their dependence on alcohol.

6. Writers of the time talked about how factories and mills dehumanized workers.

7. On the other hand, Blackface dangerously dehumanized blacks by introducing and reinforcing racial stereotypes.

8. Synonyms for Animalized include dehumanised, dehumanized, bestialized, brutalised, brutalized, vitiated, depraved, degraded, debauched and demoralised

9. Synonyms for Automatized include dehumanised, dehumanized, brutalised, brutalized, bestialized, debased, degraded, animalized, desensitised and desensitized

10. Synonyms for Brutalized include dehumanised, dehumanized, hardened, desensitised, desensitized, bestialized, toughened, animalized, corrupted and degraded

11. African Americans are Animalistically dehumanized by being denied being uniquely human (Fiske & Taylor, 2016)

12. Ex: Artists can be dehumanized Animalistically because they can be seen as childlike or irrational

13. In both cases the result of improvement is a dehumanized landscape and something like a moral vacuum.

14. They would have to replace them for medical technicians, both dehumanized and mediocre with a superficial glaze of competence.

15. Either they are so dehumanized that they don't care or else they have learned to live comfortably with their guilt.

16. These Braceros encountered more discriminatory wage systems, working conditions that 'truly dehumanized' them, strong racial animosity, and little recognition for their role in keeping Northwest agriculture afloat during World War II

17. Minstrel shows helped shape American entertainment, historians acknowledge, but also Belittled and dehumanized blacks as “other.” Washington Post Nov 11, 2015 Her late husband, Walter, Belittled her and preyed on his young female assistants

18. We see it in its extreme in cases of war, where the out-group isn't merely given less, but dehumanized, as in the Nazi perspective of Jews as vermin or lice, or the American perspective of Japanese as rats.

19. Abjecting Humanity: Dehumanizing and Post-humanizing the Military Andres Vaccari Chapter 11 Abjecting Humanity: Dehumanising and Posthumanising the Military (REDACTED) Ethical questions around war are often posed around notions of the human—humanness, humaneness, humanity—and its shadows: the inhuman, dehumanized, posthuman.