decentralisation in Czech

decentralisation <n.> decentralizace Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "decentralisation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "decentralisation" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "decentralisation", or refer to the context using the word "decentralisation" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Additional measures include a primary education project and a project to promote decentralisation.

2. Decentralisation is the policy that is most characteristic of the Centre Party.

3. Decentralisation of administration was identified as a strength of innovation systems.

4. However, the decentralisation of management-related activities should be based on an appropriate cost-effectiveness analysis.

5. The second-century Attalid state was characterised by administrative decentralisation on a scale hitherto unknown in the

6. There should be a large degree of decentralisation using networks of national focal points.

7. We are cognisant that an absolute approach to decentralisation is probably not a viable option.

8. Management noted that, with operational decentralisation, monitoring of the field office expenditure was delegated to allotment holders/project managers.

9. The increase in advances paid in 1999 is a logical consequence of the increased decentralisation of Phare programme management.

10. Both stood for decentralisation of political and economic power , and both suggested party - less democracy for purifying politics .

11. However, the decentralisation of management-related activities should be based on an appropriate cost-benefit analysis.

12. (a) & (b) The decentralisation scheme for submission of passport applications at district level is already functional.

13. According to the EESC, decentralisation is very promising in that it accentuates the responsibility of regional and local authorities and fosters accountability

14. The decentralisation programme of 1982-1983 provided for direct election which began in 1986 and increased the powers of the councils.

15. Management noted that, with operational decentralisation, monitoring of the field office expenditure was delegated to allotment holders/project managers

16. This decentralisation of the administration of justice was favoured probably because it avoided delay and other complications connected with the investigation of cases .

17. I would urge the Commission to underpin the decentralisation process by creating a Europe-wide network of regional advisory committees.

18. The subdivision of Chad in regions came about in 2003 as part of the decentralisation process, when the government abolished the previous 14 prefectures.

19. NGO support should have a clear link with EU policies, meaning that this type of activity does not lend itself for decentralisation.

20. Based on the key principles of the administrative reform, which provide for decentralisation of management and control tasks and greater accountability at service level, the Commission

21. DeCentralization or decentralisation is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group.

22. I am concerned about the role of Serbia in shaping this attitude of non-engagement. d) In the context of status definition, decentralisation is a key issue: a balance should be found between addressing the legitimate concerns and interests of the Serb and other non-Albanian communities, enhancing good governance and efficiency of public service throughout Kosovo and preventing the danger of a ‘territorialisation of diversity’, in other words the segmentation of society along ethnic lines.