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Sentence patterns related to "coppiced"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "coppiced" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "coppiced", or refer to the context using the word "coppiced" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Hierarchical Display of Coppiced woodland Agriculture, Forestry And Fisheries > Forestry > Forest Meaning of Coppiced woodland Overview and more information about Coppiced woodland For a more comprehensive understanding of Coppiced woodland, see in the general part of the online

2. Coppiced trees are often referred to as “underwood”

3. The difference in the numbers of nymphs on Coppiced

4. Coppiced trees generate from stumps of cut down trees

5. The Coppiced American beech also produced one face cord

6. A 1.87 mile hike/bike trail through the Coppiced Woods near William F

7. Willows are Coppiced to stimulate the propagation of long, slender and flexible branches or shoots.

8. Coppiced In English, many past and present participles of verbs can be used as adjectives

9. A 1.87 mile hike/bike trail through the Coppiced Woods near William F

10. Richard Verrall and I explore oak and hazel Coppiced woodland near Dial Post in West Sussex

11. Organisers are calling on everyone to do their bit to support Britain's coppiced woodlands by going along to a special Beanpole Week event, or simply by buying hazel Beanpoles made from coppiced wood

12. In the UK the main trees that are Coppiced are sweet chestnut, hazel and hornbeam

13. Many trees can be Coppiced and they all have a different cycle depending on the product required

14. It is found throughout the Palaearctic from western Europe to Japan, in heathland, grassland, and in coppiced woodland.

15. Coppiced hazel (Corylus avellana) has been valued for centuries for the long, straight stems that grow in response to a hard prune

16. Copse is a shortened version of coppice, probably because after you Coppiced a group of trees, you ended up with a copse

17. Castlings Heath is an outlying hamlet to the east of Groton in unspoilt countryside close to Groton Wood, an area of Ancient coppiced woodland, owned by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust

18. Coppiced land was (and is) cut on a rotation that took into account the species, the climate, and the projected use for the wood

19. As part of National Beanpole Week, Toby Buckland demonstrates uses for locally and sustainably managed coppiced Beanpoles in the veg plot and herbaceous bord

20. A Coppiced woodland is also called a copse (a word which may be used to refer to any small woodland or group of trees these days)

21. Traditionally, Coppiced woods provided two main crops - (a) poles, sometimes known as slop , cut from the underwood, and (b) timber obtained from the standard trees, usually used for building

22. Archaeologists have discovered an ancient causeway in the Somerset Levels that was built across boggy ground, almost entirely from Coppiced wood and dating from around 3800 BC

23. In my personal experience, old peach trunks get rot and then suffer fatal wind damage.Once rotted out I don't think an old peach could support the load of a freshly Coppiced canopy

24. By switching to British-grown coppiced Beanpoles and pea sticks, gardeners and growers will be doing their bit to support the environment, wildlife, rural jobs, ancient skills and traditions – and their beans

25. If Coppiced every year in the early spring, Salix will produce long slender healthy growth over the summer – this is the most brightly coloured growth, sometimes golden, orange, bright red or dark burgundy

26. In a coppiced wood, which is called a Copse, young tree stems are repeatedly cut down to near ground level, resulting in a stool.New growth emerges, and after a number of years, the

27. In a Coppiced wood, which is called a copse, young tree stems are repeatedly cut down to near ground level, resulting in a stool.New growth emerges, and after a number of years, the

28. The Coppiced stumps; From left, stakes and small wood, poles, firewood; Biomass piles for spreading in the Coppice area; Where willow stems were removed, saplings of other trees are revealed leaning towards the light

29. Aspen is different from the Coppiced trees described here because all of the current examples shoot from stools, and aspen root sucker shoots. 16:07, 5 March 2007 (UTC) ithink thje pictures are great

30. Regrowth, a Coppiced stump should be cut smoothly across (ideally at an angle so that water does not pool on it), with care taken to avoid ripping its bark or leaving uneven surfaces

31. Some of Ashplats Wood has been Coppiced in the last 10 years or so, and, in conjunction with Mid Sussex District Council, further work is due to take place (weather permitting) in the winter of 2011-12.

32. These techniques are used regularly, sometimes annually, and the choice of which to use is often driven by whether only the young growth is required (in which case the old growth is Coppiced to ground level) or if a ‘trunk’ is required to bring the younger growth to eye