convention for the prevention of marine pollution in Czech

Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution [eko.] Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "convention for the prevention of marine pollution"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "convention for the prevention of marine pollution" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "convention for the prevention of marine pollution", or refer to the context using the word "convention for the prevention of marine pollution" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. These include establishment of criteria for sustainable fisheries, the pollution from oil and hazardous substances, airborne pollution, dumping, vessel pollution and prevention of accidents.

2. Continuation of work on the prevention of accidental water pollution

3. Pollution can harm marine life.

4. Prevention and Control of Water Pollution The principal contributors of water pollution are industrial effluents and sewage .

5. PARCOM (Paris Commission for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-Based Sources) Decision 90/3 agreed to the objective of phasing out mercury cell chlor-alkali plants completely by 2010.

6. Pollution along the coastline is threatening marine life.

7. Addresses the carriage of goods, towage, charter parties, marine pollution, and marine insurance, including general average.

8. Draft 2012-2013 Workplan for the implementation of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

9. Integrated pollution prevention and control, and access to information

10. · Convention on the Prevention of and Compensation for Accidents at Work, signed on 9 December 1965;

11. FURTHER TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage

12. In addition, the Arctic Council Task Forces work on specific issues like marine oil pollution prevention, black carbon and methane, scientific cooperation and facilitation of the circumpolar business forum.

13. marine pollution, limitation of liability for maritime claims, general average, and emergency towage and salvage;

14. (30) - the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution and its four protocols (dumping, land-based sources, accidental pollution, specially protected areas),

15. · Potential consequences to the environment of illegal discharges or accidental marine pollution.

16. marine pollution, limitation of liability for maritime claims, general average, and emergency towage and salvage

17. Absurde Mutarotation (S, Chem) ecology give the buyer notice straight cylindrical grinding arteritis stasi maleolo pocta Krieg bank on the left hand ciasny sarukoido-shisu Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution *** fine cold asphalt cathode protection gigant pederasta brought up California thickly we try to Furche vaihtaa kuulumisia

18. Ports and Terminals are issued Certificates of Adequacy (COAs) as evidence that their facilities meet the requirements of Annexes I, II, and V of the 1978 Protocol to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78)

19. g) marine pollution, limitation of liability for maritime claims, general average, and emergency towage and salvage;

20. (g) marine pollution, limitation of liability for maritime claims, general average, and emergency towage and salvage;

21. Pollution prevention and effluent treatment measures are crucial to minimizing the environmental impact of these activities.

22. What can you say about the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism?

23. • The date for the implementation of the pollution prevention plan is reasonable based on the capture rate that is to be achieved.

24. The use of pollution prevention equipment, including oily water separators, sludge tank systems and sewage disposal plant.

25. However, industry increasingly abates pollution by complex changes in production processes (i.e. pollution prevention) rather than emission control and waste treatment