continental shelf in Czech

kontinentální šelf Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "continental shelf"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "continental shelf" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "continental shelf", or refer to the context using the word "continental shelf" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Most Brachiopods live on the shallow continental shelf

2. 18 The southern component spreads over the continental shelf.

3. At a lower level, on the continental shelf, life is also very active.

4. 8 Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.

5. Ordinarily, however, the melon-headed whale is found beyond the continental shelf between 20°S and 20°N. Hawaii and Cebu, in the Philippines, are good sites for seeing the whale because the continental shelf there is narrow.

6. The North Sea located on the continental shelf has different waves from those in deep ocean water.

7. The Bolide penetrated through 600-1,500 feet of water of the Atlantic Ocean until reaching the Continental Shelf

8. Bathyal Zone The Bathyal zone lies deeper than the continental shelf but shallower than the deep ocean floor

9. Blue whale feeding aggregations are often found at the continental shelf edge where upwelling produces concentrations of krill.

10. About 70.8% of the surface is covered by water, with much of the continental shelf below sea level.

11. Where Do Brachiopods Live? Brachiopods alive today live in cold, marine environments like polar seas and the continental shelf and continental slope.

12. Ambon field region is located on the Chukchi Sea continental shelf in the US Arctic as a region exposed to climatic changes and anthropogenic influences

13. The Tofino Basin sediments, up to 4 km in thickness, have been deposited on the continental shelf over the accreted terranes and the developing accretionary wedge.

14. In the formation, layers of fine-grained volcanic ash punctuate a sequence of carbonate muds that were accumulating in a marine environment on the outer continental shelf.

15. Sovereignty over natural resources on the continental shelf, ownership of all coastal States, but in the adjacent coastal States and the relative, the existence of specific delimitation.

16. The open ocean, the pelagic zone, includes all marine waters throughout the globe beyond the continental shelf, as well as the Benthic, or bottom, environment on the ocean floor.

17. Bathymetric features such as the continental shelf and seamounts interact with ocean currents and winds to produce regions of upwelling, where nutrient-rich waters are brought to the surface

18. The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change invites interested persons to apply for Seaward Production Licences in respect of certain acreage on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf.

19. The Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change invites interested persons to apply for seaward production licences in respect of certain acreage on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf.

20. - Detailed studies of existing aeromagnetic lines on the continental shelf to the south-east and east of Greenland and necessary exploration feasibility studies (especially of ice conditions in this area).

21. Areas abundant with fish have a right combination of wind, current and slope of continental shelf that brings from the ocean depths water laden with nutrients from decomposed sea life.

22. It dwells at a depth range of 0–695 metres, most often around 60–150 m, and inhabits sand and mud bottoms mostly on the lower continental shelf all year.

23. He was appointed to sit as judge ad hoc on the International Court of Justice by the governments of Denmark and The Netherlands for North Sea Continental Shelf cases (1968-1969).

24. The Bathymetric map, when combined with the other three maps, serves as a base for making geological-geophysical studies of the oceans bottom's crustal geophysical data for the Continental Shelf and slope

25. But the lowest summer ice cap on record put sea ice far north of the outer continental shelf, the shallow, life-rich shelf of ocean bottom in the Bering and Chukchi seas.

26. The Coral Sea basin was formed between 58 million and 48 million years ago when the Queensland continental shelf was uplifted, forming the Great Dividing Range, and continental blocks subsided at the same time.

27. The morphologic units of the present Mediterranean are about the same as the cones that have been found in the Atlantic by the oceanographers of the United States: coastal plain, continental shelf, continental slope, abyssal plain.

28. Utterly,totally, absolutely, Considerably very Considerably antedating the Convention which were only incidental to continental shelf rights as such..appears Considerably larger at the horizon - English Only forum added Considerably to the dignity - English Only forum

29. The Coral Sea stingaree (Urolophus piperatus) is a little-known species of stingray in the family Urolophidae, found at a depth of 171–310 m (561–1,017 ft) around the edge of the continental shelf off northern Queensland.

30. Sublittoral definition, of or relating to the biogeographic region of the ocean bottom between the littoral and Bathyal zones, from the low water line to the edge of the continental shelf, or to a depth of approximately 660 feet (200 meters)

31. The Benguela Current is one of those regions off the west coasts of the continents where there is an upwelling of cool, nutrient-rich water due to the coastal edge of the continental shelf, the prevailing winds, and the Earth's rotation

32. This study provides a ‘first look’ at the fish Assemblages associated with oil struc-tures on the north-western Australia continental shelf (NWS), where hundreds of structures, including rigs, platforms and well heads, will require decommissioning within the next decade (N.R

33. Benthos Organisms are abundant in surface sediments of the continental shelf and in deeper waters, with a great diversity found in or on sediments. In shallow waters, beds of seagrass provide a rich habitat for polychaete worms, crustaceans (e.g., amphipods), and fishes.

34. Europe's deep-ocean margin - where the continental shelf plunges from a depth of 200 metres to the abyssal plain some 4,000 metres below - stretches for some15,000 kilometres, from the Arctic to the Iberian peninsular, extending through the Mediterranean and into the Black Sea.

35. President Tran Dai Quang welcomed Indian businesses to expand their oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities on land and in the continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Viet Nam and to this effect suggested that relevant Indian companies file concrete proposals for the blocks offered by the Vietnamese side.

36. Beringia is an ancient arctic landscape that no longer exists as an intact body of land. During Late Pleistocene glaciations when global sea level was lowered by 60 m or more, the shallow continental shelf regions between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska became dry land, forming a land bridge between the two continents.

37. Molpadia intermedia is ern California, and is one of the most consistent an Apodous sea cucumber found off the West coast members of the benthic community at FHN2, ranking of the Americas from Alaska to South America at 12th in average abundance over the 28 year record of continental shelf depths (Deichman, 1937)

38. The Continent of Australia, sometimes known in technical contexts by the names Sahul (/ s ə ˈ h uː l /), Australinea, or Meganesia to distinguish it from the country of Australia, consists of the landmasses which sit on Australia's Continental plate.The name "Sahul" takes its name from the Sahul Shelf, which is part of the Continental shelf of the Australian Continent.

39. Peru consequently “requests the Court to determine the course of the boundary between the maritime zones of the two States in accordance with international law ... and to adjudge and declare that Peru possesses exclusive sovereign rights in the maritime area situated within the limit of 200 nautical miles from its coast but outside Chile’s exclusive economic zone or continental shelf”.

40. RECOGNIZING that the United States has established by Presidential Proclamation of 10 March 1983 an exclusive economic zone within 200 nautical miles of its coasts within which the United States has sovereign rights to explore, exploit, conserve and manage all fish and that the United States also has such rights over the living resources of the continental shelf appertaining to the United States and anadromous species of fish of United States origin;

41. all fish within the exclusive economic zone of the United States (except highly migratory species of tuna), all anadromous species of fish that spawn in the fresh or estuarine waters of the United States and migrate to ocean waters while present in the United States exclusive economic zone and in areas beyond national fisheries jurisdictions recognized by the United States and all living resources of the continental shelf appertaining to the United States;