communists in Czech

komunisté Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "communists"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "communists" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "communists", or refer to the context using the word "communists" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Then kill the communists!

2. You Can Still Trust the Communists: To be Communists, Socialists, Statists, and Progressives Too

3. They were fanatical Marxist communists.

4. You Can Still Trust the Communists: To be Communists, Socialists, Statists, and Progressives Too [Frederick Schwarz, David A

5. Chinese Communists must therefore combine patriotism with internationalism.

6. Looks like the communists won after all.

7. The Communists that did testify - they all weaseled out

8. As avowed Anticapitalists, communists made for unlikely business owners

9. The party is allied with the Communists.

10. Göring immediately called for a crackdown on Communists.

11. Meanwhile, the Communists were moving towards open insurrection.

12. Nine killed after Duterte’s order to ‘finish off’ Communists

13. The Communists called for a strike around the Christmas holiday

14. The Communists were right : He is an Apparatchik above all

15. The Communists reorganized as a social-democratic force.

16. Provoked by wartime hysteria, some labeled us Communists.

17. 5 Senator Joseph McCarthy was still hunting communists.

18. The Belgian Communists have put out a new periodical.

19. It was the unreconstructed Communists who continued in charge.

20. The Communists are the ruling party at the moment.

21. The Communists communist party of great britain (marxist-leninist)

22. Despite the campaign, few Communists surrendered to the authorities.

23. Many communists objected to any form of private property .

24. The communists responded with what they called counter-encirclement campaigns.

25. 17 She could feel, too, the Communists tightening their control.

26. There, these Communists received military-style training at Indonesian camps.

27. Schoolteachers, government civil servants, people who were known anti-Communists...

28. 4 They have tried to realign themselves with the communists.

29. We thought of ourselves, I think, as trying to defeat communists

30. On 30 March 1971, the communists launched an anti-porn movement.

31. A Bolshevik was a Russian Communist.They are also called the Bolshevik Communists

32. During the Chinese Civil War Bai fought against the Communists.

33. The Communists never replied or made any acknowledgment of its receipt.

34. Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, Gypsies, Communists, and homosexuals of Europe.

35. The Truman Doctrine effectively stopped communists from taking control of Greece and Turkey.

36. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Communists crossword clue

37. The Communists branded her a landlord and, therefore, an oppressor of peasants.

38. In the resulting White Terror, thousands of suspected Communists were summarily executed.

39. Dirty Communists are, essentially, Cold War-era villainous portrayals of the Soviet Union's people

40. Russia was the first country in which Communists came to power (1917).

41. The communists remain a potential menace to the stability of the government.

42. Chiang captured cities, but the Communists remained in the countryside, athwart his communications.

43. Hollywood was infested with Communists and they were in Eric Hoffer's words: True Believers.

44. In 1918 Pyatakov was a leader of a group of Left Communists in Ukraine.

45. Remember when Pablo collaborated with M-19 communists during the Palace of Justice siege?

46. Members of all political parties, including the ex-Communists, are implicated in the scandal.

47. The police station is in a private home that the Communists expropriated in 19

48. Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.

49. The Communists have climbed on the bandwagon, but only to put the brakes on.

50. 7 Republican senator from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy, led the search for communists in America.