common property regime in Czech

[eko.] systém společného vlastnictví Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "common property regime"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "common property regime" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "common property regime", or refer to the context using the word "common property regime" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The rebel factions made common cause to overthrow the regime.

2. • private property and is not subject to the matrimonial regime; private property has usually been acquired by the spouse before the marriage or acquired by succession or inheritance; acquests which is property subject to the matrimonial regime and is not the private property of the spouse.

3. 5 The humorous joke is common property.

4. Criminal Charges; Property Crimes; Property Crimes Property crimes include many common crimes relating to theft or destruction of someone else's property

5. They hold the property as tenants in common.

6. Common definition, belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question: Common property;Common interests

7. Various professional bodies should agree on common property valuation standards.

8. Bailees insurance is a common form of inland marine property insurance that is readily available in the property insurance marketplace

9. This leads on to another constraint to ICZM, the idea of common property.

10. In common law systems, personal property may also be called Chattels or personalty

11. The smell of the fatty Aldehydes has another common property – a “soapy” aspect

12. He often praised patriotism, not always a common feeling in Italy because of its abuse by the fascist regime.

13. We introduced the Management Accountability Framework, a common basis for performance reporting, which sets out a rigorous accountability regime.

14. Presbyterian regime.

15. Bills amending the Civil Code and supplementary laws on the joint or community property regime or the partnership of acquests regime, establishing equal rights and duties for both the husband and wife (Bulletin No. 1707-18 and No.

16. Industries where Commissions are common include car sales, property sales, insurance booking, and most sales jobs

17. The condominium as a single unit of real estate: common property, non-residential premises, land plots;

18. An interest in property is Alienable if it may be conveyed by one individual to another individual.In general, and by common law, private property is Alienable

19. Common types of Consideration include real or personal property, a return promise, some act, or a forbearance

20. b) The condominium as a single unit of real estate: common property, non-residential premises, land plots

21. Choice of tax regime.

22. A matrimonial regime may be dissolved (a) by the death of a spouse, (b) upon separation or divorce, or (c) by a change from one type of matrimonial regime to another, e.g., from a community of property regime to a partnership of acquests or, if the parties move from Quebec, to a system in place in another jurisdiction.

23. All totalitarian systems have one thing in common: by crushing all forms of political expression except adulation of the regime, they make everything political.

24. At common law, Chattel included all property that was not real estate and not attached to real estate.

25. An operational hint the Ayatollah regime thinks has strategic resonance: If domestic turmoil threatens the regime, the regime tells its terrorist proxies to attack America.