cassino in Czech

kasino Entry edited by: Jiří Šmoldas

Sentence patterns related to "cassino"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cassino" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cassino", or refer to the context using the word "cassino" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He took part in the Battle of Monte Cassino in 1944 by carrying artillery ammunition.

2. Such monasteries included the Abbeys of Cluny, Saint-Denis, Port Royal, Saint Gall, Fulda, and Monte Cassino

3. The medieval name "castri de Casule" was first recorded in 878 AD in the Memoriatorium abbatis Berthari, a manuscript conserved in the Abbey of Monte Cassino.

4. The Benedictines, sometimes called Black Monks due to their religious habit, were founded at Monte Cassino, Italy, by Benedict of Nursia, c.529

5. In 1057 Pope Stephen IX, who had retained the abbacy of Monte Cassino, came to visit and at Christmas, believing himself to be dying, ordered the monks to elect a new abbot.

6. As soon as he became Pope he undertook to repair the situation, and on 31 March 1367 he abolished the diocese of Cassino and restored the monastery to the complete control of its Abbot.

7. Yet when the latter lay dying at Salerno on 25 May 1085, the Abbot of Monte Cassino was one of those whom he recommended to the cardinals of southern Italy as fittest to succeed him.