cablegram in Czech

kabelogram Entry edited by: Jiří Šmoldas

Sentence patterns related to "cablegram"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cablegram" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cablegram", or refer to the context using the word "cablegram" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. to send a cablegram.

2. This came from the decoding room, a cablegram from the War Department.

3. Brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram ; you are charged for every word.

4. Why, it is only an hour since I read a cablegram in the newspapers beginning "Russia Proposes to Retrench."

5. Eliot at once sent him a cablegram, saying that he was one to whom all contemporary poets owed a debt.

6. In the communications industry, America made use of big financial capacity to break British monopoly on the cablegram at Latin America.

7. Now and then I get a cablegram from Mona saying that she's arriving on the next boat. "Letter following, " it always says.

8. .am `am aerogram aetheogam al-an'am am am-dram Amphigam anagram anemogram ani'am appam ascham asnet-am attam autogram bam bar'am barogram battering-ram beclam beiram belam buckeram bukeram butter-ham cablegram caimacam calogram cam can-am cartogram cfpl-am cham cheongsam chim-cham chromogram chron-anagram chronogram