build upon in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "build upon"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "build upon" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "build upon", or refer to the context using the word "build upon" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Agoras Tokens are clever market build upon Tau-Chain to function

2. Advanced mathematical proofs like Siegel's lemma build upon this more general concept.

3. The CEPEA should build upon and add value to our existing FTAs.

4. Blogrolls help blog authors to establish and build upon a their blogger community.

5. We cherish this strong foundation and are keen to actively build upon it.

6. Our Leaders have given concrete ideas to build upon our cooperation for the coming years.

7. Many of those models build upon a common strategy for de-risking investments: assembling a diversified portfolio.

8. Archways Sober Living Homes provide a safe, comfortable environment in which individuals can build upon their foundation of recovery

9. Even more so, the detailed provisions on protection of the civilian population restate, build upon and extend previous formulations.

10. These defence industrial corridors will utilize the existing defence manufacturing ecosystems in these regions, and further build upon it.

11. The Seven Anointings of manifestations build upon each other to create the seventh anointing, which is the corporate anointing

12. TAurine will be open sourced (with some exceptions) in the future, allowing others to learn from and build upon it, the way a …

13. If you alter, transform, or build upon this content, you may distribute the resulting product only under a license identical to this one.

14. After you have mastered self-hypnosis, you can build upon and deepen your experience by incorporating some Autohypnosis techniques, such as anchoring and auto-suggestion

15. Instead, colour Categorisation might simply build upon the continuous colour perception and interact with perception through the direction of attention to colour differences that are relevant to Categorisation

16. Allured president Theresa LaFontaine said the deal "complements our current titles by allowing us to build upon and strengthen relationships that already exist" through the companies other magazines.

17. In our haste to democratize -- and also as a condition for Western aid -- we copied and adopted the Western form of democracy and neglected to build upon our own democratic tradition.

18. Creative Commons (CC) is an American non-profit organization and international network devoted to educational access and expanding the range of Creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share

19. The Stevens AeroModel Buzzbomb™ (400) is modern twist on the vintage free-flight classic Buzzard Bombshell – redesigned to build upon the flight qualities of the vintage Buzzard while modernizing the airframe to enhance performance for electric radio control flight

20. The 4th Annual Comparability and Biosimilarity conference continues to build upon the past years’ discussion on regulatory requirements and guidelines on Comparability and biosimilarity assessments; analytical strategies and techniques to evaluate batch-to-batch Comparability during process, site or manufacturing changes; equivalence testing of biosimilars with innovator products plus the

21. Aberrations are available to build upon playing the mission "Old Soldiers." The aberration is an excellent support attacker for ranged units like hydralisks and roaches ; when the ranged units stop to fire at enemies, the aberration can still walk over them to get to its targets, and moves as quickly as a zergling to get there.

22. * Over the past six years, the Delhi Dialogue has emerged as India’s pre-eminent, ASEAN-centric Track 1.5 forum where we, the policy makers, along with stalwarts from academia and think tanks, from both India and ASEAN Member States, have been exchanging ideas and perspectives on how we can build upon the robust partnership that already exists between India and ASEAN.