be sitting in Czech

be sitting <v.> zasedat Entry edited by: B2 sedět

Sentence patterns related to "be sitting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "be sitting" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "be sitting", or refer to the context using the word "be sitting" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. We'll be sitting in the second carriage.

2. You appear to be sitting on my Bridge.

3. Shouldn't I be sitting in my car seat?

4. 1 We'll be sitting in the second carriage.

5. You shouldn't be sitting here by yourself, all alone.

6. I'm gonna be sitting there on the trampoline smoking crack.

7. She'd be sitting at home pining for her lost husband.

8. Hitler, of course, will be sitting in the royal box tonight.

9. By next year you could be sitting as a High Court judge.

10. If one were to be sitting all day, Compulsively, that is equally absurd as

11. 8 We'll be sitting in the second carriage from the bottom of the train.

12. Often my father would be sitting on back porch, reading the paper, waiting for me.

13. Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world.

14. For example, we may be sitting in a room and may notice a couple whispering to each other and laughing.

15. As Faizan said at the time, if we bow down to the Islamists, we'll just be sitting in a dark corner.

16. On Thursday, Atwin, alongside Beauséjour MP Dominic LeBlanc, announced she’d be sitting as an MP under the Liberal banner

17. So, it is not that we are now simply going to be sitting here and determining the agenda for the Copenhagen ...(

18. Claypool will be sitting at home, left only to hope the team that Clapped his squad receives such treatment from another

19. One, at the joke, and two, at the absurdity that I would tell this joke the next night when he would be sitting right there.

20. But if she had her way, I would be back in Volantis playing my harp and you would be sitting over there eating blackberries out of Roslin Frey's hand.

21. Meghan revealed that Kate Apologised after making her cry "I'm just really relieved and happy to be sitting here, talking to you, with my wife by my side," the Duke told Oprah, referencing his

22. “Acrimony” is a story about bitterness and anger, with a dictionary definition of the title filling the screen to set the mood. After a brief and stilted court scene, Melinda (Henson) is smoking and talking to the camera where an unseen psychiatrist should be sitting.

23. Crustiness bapteme fasshon zidina biyaya panenka Werkstoff transform nickel autotransformer extemporization bigas, palay; kanin sunblock earth, dust, clay, local, indigenous, crude opium, surname Tu perusratkaisu be sitting pretty (fig.) velika daska Aufgabe/Posten buffet mastaba to any person hover business is slack; the market is poor/slack

24. ‘The signs that Mr Molloy was Brazening things out meant things were getting better and better for the Opposition.’ ‘As one veteran prison officer said: ‘Jamieson is Brazening it out but she must be sitting at home this weekend with her fingers crossed that nothing else goes wrong.’’

25. ‘The signs that Mr Molloy was Brazening things out meant things were getting better and better for the Opposition.’ ‘As one veteran prison officer said: ‘Jamieson is Brazening it out but she must be sitting at home this weekend with her fingers crossed that nothing else goes wrong.’’