bank charges in Czech

[eko.] bankovní poplatky Entry edited by: RNDr. Pavel Piskač

Sentence patterns related to "bank charges"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bank charges" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bank charges", or refer to the context using the word "bank charges" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Rule No #: Bank charges on accounts

2. Bank charges levied on the Court's current account

3. PS930m bank charges; Traders Colluded to rig foreign currency markets

4. This appropriation is intended to cover bank charges (commission, agios, miscellaneous expenditure).

5. This appropriation is intended to cover bank charges (commission, agios, miscellaneous expenditure

6. This appropriation is intended to cover bank charges (commission, agios, miscellaneous charges

7. ‘Financial expenses’ are bank charges levied on the Court’s current and fiduciary accounts.

8. Adjustments were made for freight, handling costs, packaging, credit costs and bank charges.

9. The excessive bank charges in force at present are giving precisely the opposite signal.

10. The euro Regulations do not address the question of bank charges for conversions into euros.

11. Adjustments were made for freight costs, credit costs, handling and loading expenses, packaging and bank charges.

12. Any bank charges related to the payment of that remuneration shall be borne by the Agency.

13. On domestic sales, allowances claimed for commissions, inland freight, insurance, packaging expenses and bank charges were accepted.

14. Adjustments were made for transport, insurance, handling, loading and ancillary costs, packing, credit, bank charges and commissions.

15. All extra costs such as: postage, insurance and bank charges are at the expense of the buyer.

16. Adjustments were made for discounts, handling, loading and ancillary expenses, transport, credit cost, bank charges, packaging and commissions.

17. The balance was a result of correction for a prior year adjustment offset by lower bank charges and hedging costs

18. The balance was a result of correction for a prior year adjustment offset by lower bank charges and hedging costs.

19. This appropriation is intended to cover bank charges (commission, agios, miscellaneous expenditure) and the cost of connecting to the interbank telecommunications network

20. In addition, the vendor may invoice the buyer the bank charges and agios he might have supported due to the postponement of instalment.

21. This appropriation is intended to cover bank charges (commission, agios and miscellaneous charges) and other financial charges, including ancillary costs for the financing of buildings

22. Bank fees – The bank charges a fee unexpected to the account holder, creating a negative balance or leaving insufficient funds for a subsequent debit from the same account.

23. This appropriation is intended to cover bank charges (commission, agios and miscellaneous expenditure), the cost of connection to the interbank telecommunications network (Swift) and expenditure on subscriptions to credit-rating agencies.

24. The provision under this heading reflects requirements for the transportation of United Nations equipment by air and sea, the acquisition of various items of equipment, including geographic information system equipment, as well as supplies, military accoutrements and uniforms, bank charges, training fees and supplies and emergency rations for the civilian personnel of the Mission

25. The variance is attributable primarily to additional requirements for freight and related costs, as most of the deployed equipment was transported by air while budgetary estimates provided for a combination of sea and air transportation, the acquisition of # shipping containers and conference interpretation systems for the new integrated mission headquarters in order to support the meetings of the Implementation Monitoring Committee, higher actual requirements for military accoutrements and bank charges, as well as the recording in the mission's accounts of a loss on currency exchange