balanced budget in Czech

vyrovnaný rozpočet Entry edited by: Mgr. Dita Gálová

Sentence patterns related to "balanced budget"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "balanced budget" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "balanced budget", or refer to the context using the word "balanced budget" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Bill Clinton vetoed the balanced budget.

2. Reversing his previous stance, he backed a balanced budget.

3. 8 Reversing his previous stance, he backed a balanced budget.

4. Only the balanced-budget amendment, still not passed, ranked higher.

5. A balanced budget amendment is often offered as a solution.

6. The policy of the annually balanced budget represents a rigid straightjacket.

7. The Balanced Budget, Debt Repayment and Taxpayer Accountability Act, S.M. 1995, c.

8. Without the balanced budget amendment, the jury remains out on both questions.

9. Balanced budget theorem can efficiently control the disburse of man-made resource—money.

10. He proposed the first balanced budget in decades and achieved a budget surplus.

11. The president, who repeatedly called for a balanced budget, was talking Republican talk.

12. In other words, in this model, the balanced budget multiplier is equal to

13. On Dec. 19 the Council of Ministers approved a balanced budget for 19

14. Any balanced budget amendment has to have some exceptions and some implementation provisions.

15. In the conventional wisdom, none the less, the balanced budget remained of paramount importance.

16. 19 It remains our policy to move back to a balanced budget as speedily as possible.

17. President Clinton called attention to the broader issues with his veto of the balanced budget act.

18. In his speech, Dole specifically endorsed only one of them, an amendment mandating a balanced budget.

19. Forbes recently spoke in favor of a balanced-budget amendment, but his columns have lambasted the idea.

20. Then he suggested maybe tax cuts could be deferred until a balanced budget could be agreed to.

21. The balanced budget amendment forces Washington to live up to its responsibilities and address budget issues honestly.

22. The balanced budget amendment was born out of the monster deficits that followed this act of recklessness.

23. Gingrich on Tuesday, for example, began reviving the notion of a balanced budget agreement with President Clinton.

24. I believe the balanced budget amendment proposal would subject the nation to unacceptable economic risks in perpetuity.

25. Judgemade economic policy seems an almost inevitable consequence of a balanced-budget amendment in our litigious society.

26. In a real sense, the balanced budget amendment is an insurance policy against a bad budget deal.

27. The Senate majority leader talked about a balanced budget, smaller government, lower taxes, and a strong foreign policy.

28. Merrill said voters now perceive that Forbes has flip-flopped on issues such as the balanced budget amendment.

29. Such anticipated outcomes were a far cry from the Conservative government's long term objective of a balanced budget.

30. Other nasty details afflict specific balanced-budget proposals, but I think enough has been said to make the point.

31. Franklin D.. Roosevelt was also elected in 1932 with a strong commitment to reduced expenditures and a balanced budget.

32. Forbes also reiterated his call for a balanced budget amendment, but said his version would include a tax cut.

33. He has yet to deliver on promises such as welfare reform, an overhaul of campaign financing or a balanced budget.

34. The question now before Canadians is what to do with this balanced budget or with any excess cash that is available

35. Dole has promised to seek a balanced budget by 200 but he also realizes that the government must continue to function.

36. Thereafter, the conventional insistence on the balanced budget under all circumstances and at all levels of economic activity was in retreat.

37. One of the earliest votes of the Congress is expected to be on a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget.

38. He simply promised the addition of a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution and asked voters to trust him to reduce spending.

39. They also may target his qualifications as commander in chief and past opposition to balanced-budget amendments and Social Security reform ideas.

40. The County Commissioners’ primary duties are to levy taxes to operate the county and adopt a balanced budget for each calendar year

41. A Balanced budget is a situation in financial planning or the budgeting process where total expected revenues are equal to total planned spending

42. • Much has changed since then—the elimination of the deficit, the Government’s commitment to a balanced budget or better each year, and the shift to full accrual accounting.