arbitration clause in Czech

ozhodčí doložka Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "arbitration clause"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "arbitration clause" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "arbitration clause", or refer to the context using the word "arbitration clause" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The Sale Agreement comprised an ad hoc arbitration clause.

2. (Arbitration clause - Repayment of sums advanced - Interest for late payment - Judgment by default)

3. Actions for annulment – Arbitration clause – e-Content Programme – Termination of contract – Repayment – Inadmissibility

4. (Actions for annulment - Arbitration clause - e-Content Programme - Termination of contract - Repayment - Inadmissibility)

5. (Arbitration clause - Insurance policies - Termination on grounds of increase of the risk insured - Abuse - Contractual liability - Damages)

6. For example, subparagraph (a) referred to an arbitration agreement, whereas subparagraph (b) talked about an arbitration clause

7. In addition, it was said that the arbitration clause did not encompass the subject matter of the dispute

8. Procedure - Reference to the Court of First Instance on the basis of an arbitration clause - Ancillary claim for payment of default interest - Admissible

9. In some instances, if you have signed an arbitration clause with a company, the contract will specify exactly who your Arbitrator will be

10. The original arbitration clause will define those claims that can and cannot be Arbitrated, as stated by Lord Hoffmann in Fiona Trust & Holding Corp v

11. The plaintiff had not Countersigned, as requested, a letter of intent incorporating by reference a standard form of contract commonly in use in Hong Kong containing an arbitration clause

12. JAMS will administer Arbitrations pursuant to mandatory pre-dispute arbitration clauses between companies and consumers 1 only if the contract arbitration clause and specified applicable rules comply with the following minimum standards of fairness.

13. Procedure — Referral to the General Court under an arbitration clause — Framework partnership agreement between the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) and humanitarian organisations — Prior conciliation procedure before action — Said procedure not used by the parties — Difference not capable of amicable resolution — Admissibility (Art.

14. Arbitrator Denies Atlas Air's Pilots Bid To Negotiate; Imposes Arbitrated Settlement The Court confirmed that the arbitration clause set out in the lease agreement was null and void as the rental disputes were governed by the Abu Dhabi Lease Law and thus could not be Arbitrated.