abiotrophy in Czech

abiotrophy <n.> abiotrofie Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "abiotrophy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abiotrophy" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abiotrophy", or refer to the context using the word "abiotrophy" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Cerebellar abiotrophy is best known as a condition affecting Arabian horses.

2. The condition in Kerry Blue Terriers is sometimes called progressive neuronal abiotrophy.

3. A DNA test which identifies markers associated with cerebellar abiotrophy became available in 2008.

4. The cause of cerebellar abiotrophy is not known, but it is thought to be due to an intrinsic metabolic defect.

5. There are other diseases that lead to cerebellar degeneration, but the loss of Purkinje cells is a clear way to diagnose cerebellar abiotrophy, and the combination of symptoms is sufficiently unique that cerebellar abiotrophy can easily be distinguished from other conditions, even in a living animal.

6. Cerebellar abiotrophy in horses was originally thought to be a form of cerebellar hypoplasia (CH) and was described as such in older research literature.

7. However, affected animals are quite accident-prone, and for this reason many animals that develop cerebellar abiotrophy, particularly horses, are euthanized for humane reasons.

8. In dogs, cerebellar abiotrophy is also usually an autosomal recessive gene, but in a few breeds, such as the English Pointer, the gene is sex-linked.

9. Cerebellar abiotrophy has been seen in the Australian Kelpie, Gordon Setter, Border Collie, Labrador Retriever, Airedale, English Pointer, Scottish Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, Miniature Schnauzer, Lagotto Romagnolo, and other dog breeds.

10. While the primary abnormality would appear to be an abiotrophy of the lens epithelium, analogous to other dystrophies in the eye, the chief pathologic manifestation is seen in aberrant proliferation of the capsule.

11. In addition to dogs and horses, there also have been cases of cerebellar abiotrophy in Siamese and Domestic shorthair cats; in Angus, Polled Hereford, Charolais and Holstein Friesian cattle; Merino and Wiltshire sheep; and Yorkshire pigs.

12. Abiliment Ability Abime Abiogenesis Abiogenetic Abiogenist Abiogenous Abiogeny Abiological ABIOS abiotrophy Abirritant Abirritate Abirritation Abirritative ABIST Abit abject Abjectedness Abjection Abjectly Abjectness: Abjudge Abjudicate Abjudication Abjugate Abjunctive Abjuration Abjuratory Abjure Abjurement Abjurer Abkhas Abkhasian Abkhaz

13. Symptoms of cerebellar abiotrophy include ataxia or lack of balance, an awkward wide-legged stance, a head tremor (intention tremor) (in dogs, body tremors also occur), hyperreactivity, lack of menace reflex, stiff or high-stepping gait, coarse or jerky head bob when in motion (or in very young animals, when attempting to nurse), apparent lack of awareness of where the feet are (sometimes standing or trying to walk with a foot knuckled over), poor depth perception, and a general inability to determine space and distance.