a cliffhanger in Czech

a cliff-hanger <n.> napínavá hra Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "a cliffhanger"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "a cliffhanger" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "a cliffhanger", or refer to the context using the word "a cliffhanger" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. A Cliffhanger is a type of ending which is suspenseful in nature

2. Choose from two slides to make your getawary from the top of the tower– experience a … Cliffhanger …

3. Example of a Cliffhanger Imagine at the end of a movie the protagonist is being chased by his antagonist.

4. Coveted is a paranormal romance, ending in a cliffhanger that leads into the next book of the series, which will follow a different couple

5. A Cliffhanger can end a chapter of a novel, a television episode, a scene in a film, or a serialized story (book or movie).

6. Zack Snyder - who has previously explained that his version of Justice League ends on a Cliffhanger – has explained why it sets up a direct sequel he doubts will ever happen

7. A Cliffhanger ending is a plot device in which a movie, novel, or other work of fiction contains an abrupt ending, often leaving the main characters in a precarious or difficult situation

8. A Cliffhanger is a plot device in which a component of a story ends unresolved, usually in a suspenseful or shocking way, in order to compel audiences to turn the page or return to the story in the next installment

9. A Cliffhanger (KLIF-hang-ur) is the abrupt ending of a plotline that leaves major elements of the story unresolved until the next installment of the work.It can be something as simple as an interrupted bit of dialogue or something as drastic as a character death

10. A Cliffhanger ends an Act Break, episode, or even a whole season (or a film or novel in a series) with some or all of the main characters in peril of some kind and the audience is made to wait for the outcome.The To Be Continued caption is often used here