loyalties in Arabic

Loyalties الولاء

Sentence patterns related to "loyalties"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loyalties" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loyalties", or refer to the context using the word "loyalties" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. And with it, your loyalties?

2. My loyalties to my family come before anything else.

3. This led to a further erosion of sectional loyalties.

4. You wish to know where my true loyalties lie?

5. □ How can we resist the tendency to misplace our loyalties?

6. 5 The personal loyalties of the aristocracy were torn.

7. Few of them feel bound by any enduring loyalties.

8. Your conscience, conviction, integrity, and loyalties were torn asunder.

9. Signors, today each of you have made your loyalties clear.

10. When you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie.

11. Morgane confronts Diego, who assures her his loyalties lie with Alessandro.

12. Why not examine your loyalties in the light of Bible truth?

13. Your father doubted Sara's loyalties the moment you brought her home.

14. Such ideological conflicts overlap traditional party lines and erode traditional party loyalties.

15. Apaid’s overtures to switch loyalties, stated that Apaid “bought” Labanye with $30,000 U.S

16. Sub-ethnic and supra-ethnic loyalties were more important to people than ethnicity.

17. In the rural areas, family and tribal loyalties continue to be important.

18. Several legions, particularly those with members of doubtful loyalties, were simply demobilised.

19. To offset weak traditional loyalties , he has curried favour by lavish ministerial appointments.

20. But divided family loyalties are now pulling her — and Kazakhstan — in unforeseeable directions.

21. How can he make fair and impartial decisions when political loyalties colour his judgement?

22. "Gender, Landscape and Colonial Allegories in The Far Shore, Loyalties and Mouvements du désir."

23. In such a family, children may experience jealousy and resentment or perhaps a conflict of loyalties.

24. What is the process by which local loyalties and parochial orientations give way to wider concerns?

25. If the “swimmer” has no loyalties, he will find himself tossed about as by waves and wind.

26. 29 What is the process by which local loyalties and parochial orientations give way to wider concerns?

27. 26 Buyers often develop strong loyalties to suppliers, preferring not to make changes unless they are unavoidable.

28. But it was never expected that voters would forsake their loyalties in large numbers for an abstract principle.

29. But in the long run the city of Mondovi could not command the loyalties of its dependent territory.

30. -insulated by secret loyalties and codes of silence... from the world they'd all been given to control.

31. The massive mobilization attendant upon the regime was accompanied by a decline in sectional and local attitudes and loyalties.

32. It extended the web of relationships under the mantle of a few comprehensive terms of relationship connoting close, primordial loyalties.

33. Historically, this was driven by a complex web of lineage lines in which one set of loyalties was hedged against another.

34. Apostasy, term applied by members of the deserted faith for the change of one faith, set of loyalties, and worship for another

35. They usually rendered their loyalties and services to feudal lords and nobles in return for rewards such as riches and women.

36. Branding creates memorability , but it also establishes preferences, habits, and loyalties. In short, it encourages a relationship between a brand and its user.

37. From Adolescence onward, however, the surest clue to personality is the hierarchy of interests, including the loves and loyalties of adult life

38. By putting her job above her loyalties, the Nurse Bestrews her own heart; to Juliet, though, she swears by it and her soul

39. The Alexandrines, so named because the political loyalties of most who held the view were Alexandrian, were “monophysites.” They insisted that Jesus was, above all, divine

40. The Bulwark is a news network launched in 2018 dedicated to providing political analysis and reporting free from the constraints of partisan loyalties or tribal prejudices.

41. The remaining members of Barramundi must now carefully consider their voting strategies, because old tribal loyalties are now less important than the good will of this new jury

42. I hope that the Lord’s people may be at peace one with another during times of trouble, regardless of what loyalties they may have to different governments or parties.

43. Whereas other port cities such as Penang became quite Anglophilicand multiethnic, Burmese intellectuals to a large extent rejected cosmopolitanism, instead reviving older loyalties and making claims to being a culturally homogeneous nation

44. New Year should be a time of banked-up fines, the scent of flowers and wine, good talk, good memories and loyalties renewed. But if all else is lacking - love will do.

45. The components of Consociation are found to promote lasting peace in divided societies most successfully when combined with additional incentives for the encouragement of cross-cutting cleavages and shared loyalties

46. In Mao’s unending political drama, the Chinese people were an enraptured audience, “shouting ‘three loyalties’ and ‘four Boundlessnesses’.” [46] In this situation, comparisons to the Imperial visions of the emperor come easily

47. As editor Eric Freyfogle observes in his stimulating and original introduction, Agrarianism is properly conceived in broad terms, as reaching beyond food production to include a wide constellation of ideals, loyalties, sentiments, and hopes.

48. [ Harem girls love to play Euchre during their idle time? ] but emperors quickly realized that they would be more reliable than nobles as advisors and administrators because their loyalties were less likely to be divided.

49. ‘As the delinquent desperately struggles to test set boundaries, so does the apostate or Apostatizing church.’ Synonyms desert , go over to the enemy, change allegiances, change loyalties, change sides, turn traitor, rebel, renege, abscond, go AWOL, quit, escape

50. ‘As the delinquent desperately struggles to test set boundaries, so does the apostate or Apostatizing church.’ Synonyms desert , go over to the enemy, change allegiances, change loyalties, change sides, turn traitor, rebel, renege, abscond, go AWOL, quit, escape