licit in Arabic

Licit مشروع

Sentence patterns related to "licit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "licit" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "licit", or refer to the context using the word "licit" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Let churches decide which marriages they deem "licit."

2. 2 Strengthening the licit drug control system.

3. 1 She made some money by licit means.

4. 3 Let churches decide which marriages they deem "licit."

5. 5 Lower incentive for opium and higher incentive for licit crops all of this has caused a voluntary shift by farmers out of opium into licit crops.

6. 4 Losses would then be a licit investment in future profits.

7. 9 Finding the illicit flows within the licit is quite a challenge.

8. Continence may be defined as abstinence from even the licit gratifications of marriage

9. 6 In 12( the church decreed that a "licit" marriage must take place in church.

10. 8 Another option under discussion is to stimulate licit agriculture, perhaps by guaranteeing prices for non - poppy crops.

11. Tasmania - The island state is one of the world's major suppliers of licit opiate products.

12. 14 Tasmania - The island state is one of the world's major suppliers of licit opiate products.

13. Authorized: See: admissible , allowable , allowed , de jure , due , entitled , fully executed , juridical , legal , legitimate , licit , permissible , privileged

14. b) Acetic anhydride has a wide variety of licit uses and cannot be easily replaced in commercial processes

15. 20 The power of the government must be restricted and the licit right of people must be insured.

16. Acetic anhydride has a wide variety of licit uses and cannot be easily replaced in commercial processes;

17. 18 a second illicit economy centered on drugs and smuggling; and a tiny licit economy, both formal and informal.

18. 13 The Roman's governing was considered legitimacy, and riders with the title Roman Emperor were regarded as orthodox and licit ones.

19. 10 The power of the government must be restricted and the licit right of people must he insured.

20. And a lot of licit banks were also happy to accept deposits from very dubious sources without questions being asked.

21. 21 This could have some risks to consumer health, but make no mistake: in love and war everything is licit.

22. 16 These data suggest increasingly wide availability of these drugs, which poses a risk of poisoning regardless of licit or illicit use.

23. 19 The Roman's governing was considered legitimacy, and rulers with the title Roman Emperor were regarded as orthodox and licit ones.

24. 7 Safeguarding sciential property right and variety patent persons' licit rights and interests was an important task in our seed industry development.

25. 11 Those who drive the illegal opium industry, Walters said, "are the landowners, who force sharecroppers to grow poppy, rather than licit agricultural products."

26. The developer avoids taxes the action, although is improper, but cannot deny according to the above between both sides exists licit traffic congruent relationship.

27. 17 The developer avoids taxes the action, although is improper, but cannot deny according to the above between both sides exists licit traffic congruent relationship.

28. 15 Substantially, all of the state-owned assets' realization forms are focused on licit and rational uses according to their own characters and the need of development of social security business.

29. In the 13th century, Thomas Aquinas explained that “wars are licit and just in so far as they protect the poor and the whole commonweal[th] from an enemy’[s] treachery.”

30. 12 Afghanistan has not one but three economies: the aid economy, the largest one; a second illicit economy centered on drugs and smuggling; and a tiny licit economy, both formal and informal.

31. Bolivia is the third largest producer of cocaine in the world and its government permits the licit cultivation of significant quantities of coca. Bolivia’s international obligation to control illegal narcotics is an issue in the bilateral relationship.

32. Enhanced dialogue with Governments was achieved through 38 missions addressing their drug situation that provided recommendations and advice to strengthen national measures in drug control and verification of the licit nature of particular shipments of drugs in 17 Member States.

33. a) Enhanced dialogue with Governments was achieved through # missions addressing their drug situation that provided recommendations and advice to strengthen national measures in drug control and verification of the licit nature of particular shipments of drugs in # ember States

34. Continence may be defined as abstinence from even the licit gratifications of marriage. It is a form of the virtue of temperance, though Aristotle did not accord it this high character since it involved a conflict with wrong desires--an element, in the mind of the philosopher, …