levies in Arabic

Levies الرسوم

Sentence patterns related to "levies"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "levies" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "levies", or refer to the context using the word "levies" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. It was a medley of levies.

2. Levies on the payroll will not have that effect.

3. 14 Life insurance levies Relief for levies imposed under the Lautro Indemnity Scheme will be available for life assurance companies as management expenses.

4. The government levies taxes on real estate and personal property.

5. The government levies different Cesses on services it provides to the public

6. Amount of sugar/isoglucose levies corrected (addition or deduction) after the initial establishment: ...

7. Taxes, duties, levies and charges of any kind, excluding the value added tax itself.

8. Missouri's sales tax rate for most items is 4.225% with some additional local levies.

9. Likewise, polluter-pays levies on air and sea transport could generate revenues to combat climate change.

10. || Sugar levies (75%) – adj. || Customs duties (75%) || Uncapped VAT bases || GNI bases || Capped VAT bases[9]

11. The government levies a capital tax with the proceeds being used to subsidize wages, so that and.

12. · time-limits prescribed for the allocation of quotas and the operation of adjustments and levies

13. Rebate of taxes/levies has been permitted through an IT-driven scrip system at notified rates.

14. Governance capacity could also be enhanced through new sources of financing, such as levies on air travel.

15. At present, apparel and made-ups segments are supported under the Scheme for Rebate of State Levies (RoSL).

16. Cuts in personal and business taxation and social insurance levies are a top priority, to revive weak investment.

17. Production levies significantly reduce the system's actual budget cost, as against even the gross budget amount.

18. The net accrued revenue mainly consists of accrued revenue for agricultural levies, own resources and interests and dividends.

19. In addition, the airport management levies a “tax” of 250,000 Somali shillings ($12.5) per bag of khat.

20. Whereas the Community has undertaken, under voluntary restraint agreements, to limit levies on imports of live animals,

21. It is the Assessor's responsibility to determine the value of all real and personal property in Kittitas County and to establish an equitable basis for the levies imposed by the various taxing districts and additional special levies for which the people have voted.

22. The peasants were freed from wholesale levies of grain and allowed to sell their surplus produce in the open market.

23. 28 More controversially, the Crown for certain unpaid taxes and other levies is also accorded the status of preferential creditor.

24. Transmission and distribution networks charges make up a substantial part of the total bill, as do taxes and levies.[

25. I'm a manufacturer, and I ship electronic goods across the Mexican border, so the new levies will definitely affect my business.

26. Moreover, many of the Arab auxiliaries were mere levies, while the Muslim Arab army consisted for a much larger part of veteran troops.

27. ( b ) The ECSC follows the accrual method of accounting with respect to the collection of levies , interest and other revenues and expenses .

28. Assessable Stock: A class of stock in which the issuing company is allowed to impose levies on stockholders for more funds

29. In those circumstances, the German Government cannot invoke the absence of any customs debt in order to escape the obligation of charging import levies.

30. On emissions, we need concrete and efficient measures to reduce aircraft emissions, including not only voluntary measures but also emissions-related levies.

31. Current aviation taxes and levies applied by Member States over and above the normal profit tax may negatively impact connectivity and competitiveness.

32. 3. Extension of Rebate of State Levies (ROSL) (for apparel) Scheme to made-ups sector for enhanced Duty Drawback on exports of Made-ups.

33. One exception was Anglo-Saxon England, where the armies were still composed of regional levies, known as the fyrd, which were led by the local elites.

34. The tax revenue that Burs is responsible for comprises customs and excise duties, Income Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT), Capital Transfer Tax and other government levies.

35. This should include corporate tax, income tax, property tax, excise duties, value added tax, local rates and other levies and taxes, but exclude deferred taxes.

36. It begins to protest and agitate just as soon as any tax begins to act protectively, and it denounces any tax that one citizen levies on another.

37. Kachin people, including those organised as the Kachin Levies provided assistance to British, Chinese and American units fighting the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II.

38. American Tariffs on China Are Being Blunted by Trade Cheats Data from Vietnam show surges in both imports from China and exports to the U.S., highlighting how transshipment Circumvents levies

39. • A modified tax structure that alters the application on front-end capital gains levies and relies more on taxes raised from corporate profits and sales of shares owned by individuals.

40. • A modified tax structure that alters the application on front-end capital gains levies, and relies more on taxes raised from corporate profits and sales of shares owned by individuals.

41. The majority of the troops in the Aiel War were retainers of nobles, levies and militia so they were very inferior to the Aiel who were warriors from birth

42. The issue of the imposition of so-called environmental levies and charges, otherwise known as ecotaxes, is not new and has been in abeyance in the Community organs for years.

43. Apart from Cesses, the government also levies surcharge on income tax, which is levied at 10% of income tax, on those assessees whose total taxable income is between Rs50 lakh and Rs1 crore; and

44. The Assessor does not establish tax rates or mill levies The Assessor does not issue tax bills The Assessor does not collect or refund taxes The Assessor does not determine special assessment or maintenance district fees

45. This was made worse by the British officers of the levies who encouraged the Assyrians to think that they were first-class troops, which had the effect of increasing the natural pride of the Assyrians.

46. The Gateway Budgets application is used by over 2400 local units of governments to complete and submit itemized Budgets, estimates of miscellaneous revenue, current year financial information, and proposed tax rates and levies to the Department for review and certification.

47. This practice is line with the Court’s case law, according to which the proceeds of levies imposed by the State, transferred to funds designated by the State and used for the purpose of Advantaging certain companies, are deemed to be state resources.

48. In the summer of 1577, he issued a municipal charter, guaranteeing residents immunity from taxes, building or transport levies, and moratoria, and forced all travelers on the Nakasendō highway to stop in the town overnight for lodging, thus bringing business to his town's innkeepers.

49. Article 28 a (2) shall be replaced by the following: '2. The aditional levy shall be determined for each undertaking producing sugar, isoglucose or inulin syrup by applying to the total sum due from the undertaking by way of production levies for the marketing year in question a coefficient to be determined.

50. 40 It should in any event be stressed that, as the Court has already held in its judgment in Case 108/81 Amylum v Council [1982] ECR 3107 with regard to the Council Decision of 21 April 1970 on the replacement of financial contributions from Member States by the Communities' own resources (Official Journal, English Special Edition 1970 (I), p. 224), the Decision of 7 May 1985, as a measure of budgetary law, has as its purpose to define own resources allocated to the Community budget and not to specify the Community institutions which are competent to impose duties, taxes, charges, levies or other forms of revenue.