languish in Arabic

Languish إضعف

Sentence patterns related to "languish"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "languish" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "languish", or refer to the context using the word "languish" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. And they will never languish again.”

2. The housing market continues to languish.

3. She continues to languish in a foreign prison.

4. Than languish in his slow - chapp'd power.

5. Archimonde : Your soul will languish for eternity.

6. New products languish on the drawing board.

7. The children soon began to languish in the heat.

8. Study no regrets ! Consumers have for the Iraqi languish.

9. New inventions often languish in the laboratory for years.

10. Large organisations languish and die because the top executives listen only to echoes.

11. She never ignored him, or let him languish in his infirmities.

12. Others will languish and die shortly because of lack proper food.

13. The boy became very languish , but he still continued his calling and prayer .

14. Many educators say parents should crack down on their teenagers'jobs if grades start to languish.

15. Electronic records or resources can not be left to languish unattended, they require continual attention.

16. Many unwanted children languish in orphanages and other institutions, denied education and adequate health care.

17. The governor who preceded him, Felix, had been content to let Paul languish in prison.

18. Chicken sales are down at markets and restaurants, and caged birds languish unsold in pet shops.

19. What achievements can not be said, what of it languish, the daily live without substantial simple.

20. The more enterprising economies experience a gain whilst industries located in less enterprising countries languish.

21. We say we believe in equal opportunity but then stand idle while millions of American children languish in poverty.

22. Japanese Aralia, also called glossy-leaved paper plant, grows in full shade where many other plants languish

23. And they neglect an equally dire risk: A minimum wage that is too low leaves people to languish on welfare.

24. A casualty of reorganisation at Reed, she has not been allowed to languish in the cold for very long.

25. While many other businesses languish in the early days of a new year, gyms and match-makers are likely to be hopping.

26. No one knows for certain how many refugees wander the world today, or languish in camps without a permanent place of settlement.

27. Goldnight Castigator hits harder than Mantis Rider, doesn’t require 3 colors to cast, and Grasp and Languish are absolutely punished by its 9 toughness

28. For, Lord, thou lettest the world languish in natural suffering without consolation, before the coming of thy only Son: now thou consolest and Assuagest the sufferings of thy faithful through the grace of thy only Son: and thou crownest thy saints with a pure beatitude in the glory of thy only Son.

29. For, Lord, thou lettest the world languish in natural suffering without consolation, before the coming of thy only Son: now thou consolest and Assuagest the sufferings of thy faithful through the grace of thy only Son: and thou crownest thy saints with a pure beatitude in the glory of thy only Son.

30. There is a sense among many Europeans, not just in the Netherlands, that they have been abandoned in a fast-changing world, that multi-national corporations are more powerful than nation-states, that the urban rich and highly educated do fine and ordinary folks in the provinces languish, while democratically elected politicians are not only powerless, but have abjectly surrendered to these larger forces that threaten the common man.