kingfishers in Arabic

Kingfishers الرفرافات

Sentence patterns related to "kingfishers"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kingfishers" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kingfishers", or refer to the context using the word "kingfishers" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. The eggs of kingfishers are invariably white and glossy.

2. The pollution could decimate the river's thriving population of kingfishers.

3. Mallard duck, grey wagtail and occasionally kingfishers frequent the waterside.

4. Airbus is delighted to be a partner in Kingfishers lofty ambitions.

5. 24 These vary in size from the great white pelican and goliath heron to the diminutive malachite and pygmy kingfishers.

6. And Japanese ornithologist Satoe Kasahara says that lately kingfishers have snatched fish from urban ponds in her country.

7. In addition, one of the ship's Kingfishers rescued a Marine aviator from the waters off the Japanese home islands.

8. Native to Australia, New Guinea and proximate islands are birds of paradise, honeyeaters, Australasian treecreeper, Australasian robin, kingfishers, butcherbirds and bowerbirds.

9. While kingfishers are usually thought to live near rivers and eat fish, many species live away from water and eat small invertebrates.

10. Commonly written hAlcyon.; noun [capitalized] A genus of kingfishers: same as HAlcyon, 2.; noun The specific name of the belted kingfisher of North America, Ceryle Alcyon.; noun A general name of the kingfishers of the genus HAlcyon and others of the subfamily Daceloninæ: as, the wood-Alcyons, tree-Alcyons, etc.

11. Bird watching near the Chambri Lake to see kingfishers, Brahminee kites and other water birds in the jungle is a treat to every nature lover

12. African fish eagles and ospreys scour the open water of the lagoons, while several species of colorful kingfishers search for fish in the shallow waters.

13. Within years, biologists observed with some surprise the return of scores of striped bass, alewives, American shad, Atlantic salmon, sturgeon, ospreys, kingfishers , cormorants and bald eagles.

14. At this sanctuary, you will bird along the swamp, on a flat bottom boat, looking for herons, Boatbills, kingfishers, egrets, Common Potoo, flamingos, followed by the grand finale – the Scarlet Ibis

15. Fundulus diaphanus is a forage fish for larger species like Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and American eels (Anguilla rostrata) and is also preyed upon by Belted Kingfishers (Megaceryle alcyon) and American Mergansers (Mergus merganser) (White 1953,1957; Scott and Crossman 1973).