kenyon in Arabic

Kenyon كينيون

Sentence patterns related to "kenyon"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kenyon" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kenyon", or refer to the context using the word "kenyon" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. GAmbier is the home of Kenyon College and was named after one of Kenyon College's early benefactors, Lord GAmbier

2. Kenyon cries out from the dark subcontinent of her soul.

3. Charles Kenyon, who was born in 1839, donated the land on which Boelus sits today

4. The judge, Lloyd Kenyon, 1st Baron Kenyon, at this point halted the trial declaring that the verdict "was clearly an acquittal" but "the prisoner, for his own sake, and for the sake of society at large, must not be discharged".

5. Kenyon wound up shaving not one but three seconds off the start-up time, sparing a hundred extra souls from the Reaper.

6. You may credit George Karl's decision to defend Kobe Bryant with Kenyon Martin, who is both rugged and preternaturally quick for his size.

7. Mandelstam's Ambagious passage to a common grave outside a transit camp." Andrew Hudgins; Stalin's Laughter; The Kenyon Review (Gambier, Ohio); Spring 2010

8. This capital was found by Kathleen Kenyon among a tumble of large Ashlars in her site XVIII, which is just north and east of the Stepped-Stone Structure

9. Calibrate is designed as a one-year digital program that gives patients what Kenyon describes as a metabolic reset: By connecting people with obesity specialists who can prescribe medication and

10. Experience the family difference with Avi! Kenyon takes every precaution to ensure that cross-contamination of ingredients does not occur, items are being prepared in a kitchen that also processes foods containing wheat, milk

11. According to the Guardian, in April 2014 Calico recruited Cynthia Kenyon, ‘a scientist acclaimed for work that included genetically engineering roundworms to live up to six times longer than normal, and who has spoken of dreaming of applying her discoveries to people’.

12. Amanda Berg Wilson Co-Founder and Artistic Director Amanda is a native Texan, a Kenyon College alumna, a former Chicagoan, and the founder and Artistic Director of The Catamounts, for whom she has directed all six full-length productions, including Mr

13. Dioscorea Bacilliform RT virus 3 (DBRTV3) has also been described (Bömer et al., 2018), with additional PCR-based studies suggest-ing the existence of at least another eight putative yam-associated badnavirus species worldwide (Kenyon et al., 2008; Bousalem et al.,

14. Discovery of the Diatessaron and commentaries on it in Arabic, Armenian, Greek, and Latin led Bible scholar Sir Frederic Kenyon to write: “These discoveries finally disposed of any doubt as to what the Diatessaron was, and proved that by about A.D. 170 the four canonical Gospels held an undisputed pre-eminence over all other narratives of our Saviour’s life.”