justinian in Arabic

Justinian جستينايان - متّعلّق بمعاهد أو قوانين الرومان

Sentence patterns related to "justinian"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "justinian" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "justinian", or refer to the context using the word "justinian" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Anecdota, unpublished memoirs of Emperor Justinian full of court

2. Panel of a Diptych Announcing the Consulship of Justinian 521 Byzantine

3. Justinian I, Emperor of the East, 483?-565: Agapeti Diaconi Ad Justinianum Imp

4. The Abkhaz were vassals of the Byzantine Empire when they became Christian under Justinian I (c

5. Justinian himself founded its famed silk industry with silkworm eggs smuggled out of China.

6. Soon afterwards, he proclaimed the capture of Ravenna in the name of the Emperor Justinian.

7. Byzantine architecture is a style of building that flourished under the rule of Roman Emperor Justinian between A.D

8. Justinian was preparing to anathematize Theodore and his works, obviously in sharp opposition to Mar Aba's own views.

9. Added characters to Constantinian, Syagrii, Ancii, Justinian, Vandalic, Aurelian, Vespasian, Severan, Basiliscan, Neposian and Theodosian dynasties

10. In 692 Justinian convened the so-called Quinisext Council at Constantinople to put his religious policies into effect.

11. While in exile, Justinian began to plot and gather supporters for an attempt to retake the throne.

12. It is estimated that the Plague of Justinian killed as many as 100 million people across the world.

13. To induce anyone to Apostatize was an offence punishable with death [Theodosian Code, XVI, title 7, De apostatis; title 8, De Judæis; "Corpus juris romani ante-Justinianæi" (Bonn, 1840), 1521 - 1607; Code of Justinian I, title 7, De apostatis l

14. The laws of Justinian are still the basis of the common law, the Code of Rohan is not altogether Abrogated, …

15. From the phrase in Bonis, later writers coined the expression “bonitary ownership.” Justinian abolished the theoretical distinction between civil and bonitary ownership.

16. Justinian involves the issue of Champerty, which, as the Court describes, is “the purchase of notes, securities, or other instruments or claims with the intent and for the primary

17. The result was that Justinian was comprehensively defeated at the Battle of Sebastopolis, caused by the defection of most of his Slavic troops, while he himself was forced to flee to the Propontis.

18. In 565, Justinian I died and was succeeded by Justin II (565–578), who resolved to stop subsidies to Arab chieftains to restrain them from raiding Byzantine territory in Syria.

19. B : to stamp (a different coin design or a Countermark) onto a coin counterstamp a coin of Heraclius on a coin of Justinian counterstamp a Texan 8- real piece on a Mexican 5-real piece

20. That sounds ominous for litigation funders and distressed debt investors - but the Court of Appeals also confirmed in the Justinian decision that there is a giant loophole in New York Champerty law.

21. In 708 Justinian turned on Bulgarian Khan Tervel, whom he had earlier crowned Caesar, and invaded Bulgaria, apparently seeking to recover the territories ceded to Tervel as a reward for his support in 705.

22. Added characters to Constantinian, Syagrii, Ancii, Justinian, Vandalic, Aurelian, Vespasian, Severan, Basiliscan, Neposian and Theodosian dynasties Reworked Armorica to a more historical setup Reworked the vassals of Soissons to fit the old Roman provincial setup

23. To induce anyone to Apostatize was an offense punishable with death [Theodosian Code, XVI, title 7, De apostatis; title 8, De Judceis; “Corpus juris romani ante-Justinianaei” (Bonn, 1840), 1521-1607; Code of Justinian I, title 7, De apostatis, 1

24. - Added characters to Constantinian, Syagrii, Ancii, Justinian, Vandalic, Aurelian, Vespasian, Severan, Basiliscan, Neposian and Theodosian dynasties - Reworked Armorica to a more historical setup - Reworked the vassals of Soissons to fit the old Roman provincial setup - Tweaked the governments in East Africa - Added 6 Monophysite provinces in

25. According to the Italian scholar Galliazzo, though, the characteristic pattern of alternating brick and stone layers in the arch rip (see picture showing the arch of eastern abutment) rather points at an early Byzantine reconstruction from the second half of the 5th or the first of the 6th century AD, during the reign of Justinian.

26. The Byzantine, or Eastern Roman, Empire, began with the foundation of Constantinople (formerly Byzantium) in AD 324 and ended with its capture by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.The Byzantine style began in the age of Justinian (527–65), although elements can be found from C4, and continued long after the fall of Constantinople, especially where the Orthodox Church was