iodide in Arabic

Iodide اليوديد

Sentence patterns related to "iodide"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "iodide" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "iodide", or refer to the context using the word "iodide" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Cupric acetate monohydrate may be used with an alkali metal iodide salt such as potassium iodide or sodium iodide to generate cuprous iodide in situ. In aqueous acid solutions.

2. Alkaloids can react with some kinds of reagents, such as potassium iodide, bismuth, mercury, potassium iodide, iodine-potassium iodide to form precipitates of different colors

3. Another reason why iodide would be one of the easier Anions to detect is seen when the confirmation was done on iodide

4. Because iodide can be oxidized to iodine by molecular oxygen under wet conditions, US companies add thiosulfates or other antioxidants to the potassium iodide.

5. Acridine Orange (AO) & Propidium Iodide (PI) Cell Viability Kits

6. The novel and inventive etching composition in accordance with the present invention comprises hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid and an alkali iodide, preferably potassium iodide.

7. The two Actinometers are compared to radiometry and to iodide/iodate actinometer

8. The cupric ions are reduced in an acidic medium with potassium iodide:

9. Common methylating agents are dimethyl sulfate, methyl iodide, and methyl triflate.

10. 500⁄526 nm (Acridine orange) (propidium iodide) Acridine Orange/Propidium Iodide Stain is a cell viability dye that can be used to assess cell viability with the automated LUNA™family

11. 26 Inorganic iodide is then converted to an active form,[] organic iodine.

12. Sometimes a very small amount of iodide was found in the cells of the acini.

13. Process for removing acetone from a stream comprising acetone, methyl acetate and methyl iodide

14. Acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI) are nuclear staining (nucleic acid binding) dyes

15. Lead iodide was formerly used as a paint pigment under the name "iodine yellow.

16. Firstly, the biological behavior of Bromide ion is compared with that of chloride and iodide

17. (b) 1717 acetyl chloride, 1723 allyl iodide, 1815 propionyl chloride, 2353 butyryl chloride, 2395 isobutyryl chloride.

18. Chloride, bromide or iodide is determined subsequently with 0.01N silver nitrate solution by a potentiometric method.

19. When iodic acid acts as oxidizer, then the product of the reaction is either iodine, or iodide ion.

20. Biallyl has been prepared by the action of sodium 5 or aluminum 6 on allyl iodide; from allyl mercuric iodide by dry distillation 7 or by the action of potassium cyanide solution; 8 by the action of magnesium on allyl bromide, 4, 9 allyl chloride, 4, 10 allyl iodide, 11 or 1,2,3-tribromopropane; 12 and from diallyl ether by the action of sodium

21. Examples of "Aryl_iodides" Potassium iodide finds its most important applications in organic synthesis mainly in the preparation of Aryl iodides in the Sandmeyer reaction, starting from Aryl amines.Aryl iodides are in turn used to attach Aryl groups to other organics by nucleophilic substitution, with iodide ion as the leaving group.: KI serves as a source of iodide in organic synthesis.

22. It was found that the cleavage of glycol ethers yields chiefly ethylene and only little ethyl iodide.

23. After the aldehyde impurities are removed, the methyl iodide heavy phase can be recycled to the carbonylation.

24. Thiocyanate, iodide, molybdate, tungstate, and tetrachloropalladate yielded partial or complete precipitation, but no analytically useful titration curves.

25. Bromine is an oxidizer, and it will oxidize iodide ions to iodine, being itself reduced to bromide:

26. 18 Inorganic salts such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and potassium iodide form eutectic mixtures with water.

27. The iodide–iodate and the ferrioxalate Actinometer solutions were irradiated with an interference filter attached to the illumination cell

28. Treatment of the test portion, in solution in acetic acid and chloroform, by a solution of potassium iodide.

29. The extraction is preferably performed with the alkane distillation bottom stream which comprises methyl iodide, acetic acid, and hydrocarbon impurities.

30. Iodide and most metals do not interfere in the test; alkalis and acidity beyond 0.1N decrease the sensitivity of the test.

31. With the nucleic acid binding dyes Acridine orange (AO) and propidium iodide (PI) you can accurately determine cell viability

32. 16 Other reactive trace gases such as nitrous oxide and methyl iodide also remain at elevated and aberrant levels.

33. Explain why dilute hydrochloric acid is not used to Acidify the silver nitrate solution in this test for iodide ions

34. Clouds were seeded by air with silver iodide smoke and then activated by launching a fuse fired from a flare pistol.

35. The compound crystallizes in the cadmium iodide motif, with the Sn(IV) situated in "octahedral holes' defined by six sulfide centers.

36. Mercury(II) iodide is a semiconductor material, used in some x-ray and gamma ray detection and imaging devices operating at room temperatures.

37. This is why I think that iodide would be one of the easiest Anions to detect if it were to be the unknown given

38. The ferrioxalate and iodide–iodate Actinometers have been re-studied in view of apparent inconsistencies and disagreements of results obtained using different methods and laboratories

39. The adsorption measurements carried out with the aid of the radioactive isotope181Hf showed that the neutral hydrolyzed species are strongly adsorbed on negatively charged silver iodide particles.

40. Vitamin E, fluoride, and iodide protect against bone loss associated with this disease in the rice rat and a high-sucrose diet increases the severity of periodontitis.

41. This chemical was synthesized by mixing argon and hydrogen fluoride on a caesium iodide surface at 8 K (−265 °C), and exposing the mixture to ultraviolet radiation.

42. It is based on the oxidation of ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid with copper(II) in presence of ammonium thiocyanate; potassium iodide and starch are used as indicator.

43. The result shows that MP QCISD, B3LYP can gain the gauche and anti conformers of oxalyl iodide, which is in good agreement with configuration of oxalyl halides in experiment.

44. ‘Spherical and tubular Actinometers containing iodide/iodate solution were suspended from the ceiling at the positions indicated in Fig.1.’ Origin Mid 19th century from Greek aktis, aktin- ‘ray’ + -meter .

45. The tertiary Arsines, such as As (CH3)3, trimethyl arsine, and the quaternary arsonium iodides and hydroxides, (CH3)4AsI and (CH3)4AsOH, tetramethyl arsonium iodide and hydroxide, have been obtained

46. A method for detecting phosphoric acid can be based on the formation of molybdenum blue when phosphate is added to a stable sulfuric acid mixture of alkali molybdate and iodide.

47. This effect is due to the formation of the triiodide ion, which is brown: I− + I2 ⇌ I− 3 Iodide salts are mild reducing agents and many react with oxygen to give iodine.

48. The reaction is conducted at 500 °C: 2 Cr + 3 I2 → 2 CrI3 To obtain high purity samples, the product is thermally decomposed at 700 °C to sublime out chromium(II) iodide.

49. Berkelium bromide (BkBr 3) Berkelium chloride (BkCl 3) Berkelium fluoride (BkF 3) Berkelium iodide (BkI 3) Berkelium oxide (BkO) Interesting facts: X-ray diffraction techniques have been used to identify certain Berkelium compounds

50. Titration of the adsorbed iodine can be conducted in a medium of optimum iodide and starch concentration, the colour change due to adding one microlitre aliquots of N/560 sodium thiosulphate, being detectable.