intransigence in Arabic

Intransigence العناد

Sentence patterns related to "intransigence"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intransigence" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intransigence", or refer to the context using the word "intransigence" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. He accused the government of intransigence.

2. Part of the problem is crass intransigence by the opposition.

3. Yet for North Korea, intransigence is the norm.

4. Progress in the talks was blocked by the Government's intransigence.

5. I was just so frustrated by what I thought was Frank's intransigence.

6. He often appeared angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides.

7. Chief Judge Platt had already shown signs of distress over the government's intransigence.

8. First, the intransigence of local leaders to settle for nothing less than their maximum demands.

9. The militants are split between degrees of intransigence, which could make them vulnerable at the polls.

10. West European leaders presented themselves to their publics as mediators between American intransigence and Soviet aggressiveness.

11. It will become increasingly evident that the problem is, as it always has been, North Korean intransigence.

12. Intransigence and personal suffering highlighted the principle at stake and emphasized the need of fighting for it.

13. It also stiffened his intransigence toward his internal critics, and in turn stiffened their resistance to him.

14. His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence.

15. Increasingly, Mr Kabila's duplicity and intransigence were seen by all as the chief obstacle to any such agreement.

16. Hanan Ashrawi says it is Israeli intransigence that has long stood in the way of peace.

17. 17 James met with similar intransigence when he attempted to use his dispensing power to break the Anglican monopoly over education.

18. Inpart this failure of the middle classes to present a unified political front arose from the very intransigence of the regime.

19. This intransigence has constrained the ability of the established security systems to address the evolving nature of security challenges.

20. Their intransigence was not simply due, as is commonly assumed, to an anti-communist refusal to play by "Red China's" rules.

21. When GM emerges from bankruptcy, it will have shed some of its burdens, but the damage done by decades of mismanagement and union intransigence will still weigh heavily.

22. To those who refuse to meet their international obligations and seek to intimidate their neighbours: the world is more united than ever before and will not accept your intransigence.

23. The Administration's intransigence is all the more glaring in contrast to the positions of the climate progressives from the Senate and the states who've come to Bali.

24. In 19 an organization known for its intransigence made a small change to a very popular game that it governed for the universities in the United States.

25. The only hope in blocking this merger now would have to come from the NYSE shareholders, who have just now started to raise concerns about the NYSE's intransigence on the matter.

26. "The timing of the move is important and a reflection of the intent of BJP Abhorrently rejecting all the peace overtures to save its face and a diplomatic debacle; all the stakeholders particularly the US, UK, China, Russia, EU and OIC need to note the sheer intransigence of India and use their tremendous prowess to address this paralyzing stalemate in the interest of regional peace