individualistic in Arabic

Individualistic فردي

Sentence patterns related to "individualistic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "individualistic" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "individualistic", or refer to the context using the word "individualistic" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Individualistic but Depressed

2. The kangaroo is an individualistic animal.

3. Most artists are very individualistic.

4. But , of course, we don't lead individualistic lives.

5. Spain remains a very individualistic country.

6. She has a highly individualistic approach to painting.

7. Collectivist cultures are commonly contrasted with individualistic cultures

8. Kohlberg would classify them as having an individualistic morality.

9. His music is highly individualistic and may not appeal to everyone.

10. Their individualistic measure of value sometimes goes to the extreme.

11. 21 Cream extract from this musical language the possibility of individualistic elaboration.

12. Cream extract from this musical language the possibility of individualistic elaboration.

13. The papers say the Yanks are too individualistic to fight for long.

14. Culmination is an individualistic phenomenon, which simply places the individual within a Escaping Hell©

15. His car-driving was, to be as generous as possible in my assessment, highly individualistic.

16. Fiercely individualistic, Texas would just as soon give back the Alamo as institute a state tax.

17. This has, of course, tainted their relations with other races[sentencedict .com], especially individualistic Gallenteans.

18. This, like most of the purely psychological theories - including psychoanalytic ones - are strictly methodological-individualistic.

19. Talent analysis of Anail by expression number 1 “You are a natural leader, independent and individualistic

20. In the space of myths, only onlooker knows the secret within, enjoying in the individualistic zone.

21. This more detailed and individualistic approach facilitates more accurate linkages between explanatory variables and the political behavior of gladiators.

22. Talent analysis of Affinitized by expression number 1 “You are a natural leader, independent and individualistic

23. Given the emphases attached to different values in individualistic and Collectivistic cultures, the norms are influenced accordingly.

24. Author William Herberg offers the following definition: The American Way of life is individualistic, dynamic, and pragmatic.

25. This traditional organisation characterised by individualistic, vertical clienteles militates strongly against the horizontal group-formation typical of modern politics.

26. Both Collectivist and individualistic cultures are concerned with how individuals in a society prioritize and manage their relationships and goals

27. However researchers might style themselves-methodological individualists or collectivists-all social scientific research adopts a methodology that is implicitly individualistic.

28. 12 It was a revolution so decentralized and individualistic that there was nothing for the state to react against.

29. We are challenged to rise above the narrow confines of our individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.

30. Frequently, early retirement is discussed purely in individualistic terms - as if it were a matter simply of personal decision-making.

31. It is a medley of colours, patterns, cuts, And fabrics put together to lend an individualistic expression to the wearer

32. In its purest form, the doctrine advocated a return to subsistence economy but on a less individualistic and more communal basis.

33. The methodology supporting Pareto's analysis is individualistic, resting on a view of human nature rather than directly on assumptions about society.

34. The fundamental reason for this is a fact of ego-psychology which the individualistic fallacy and the therapeutic tunnel-vision of modern psychotherapy obscures.

35. By June 1947, the Central Committee of Yugoslavia began publicly condemning Hoxha, accusing him of talking an individualistic and anti-Marxist line.

36. Bohemianism the practice of individualistic, unconventional, and relaxed conduct, of ten in an artistic context, expressing disregard for or opposition to ordinary conventions

37. These Incunabula Colophons focused mainly on cath-phrases (Wiseman, 1985) or other individualistic areas of the work which would make them easily catalogued for later investigation

38. The individualistic place is thanks to a signalling buoy (coordinates N.41 12 34 - and 13 06 35) and is prohibited to the peach and the anchorage.

39. Thus, we believe that this result among French Bereavers is attributed to the importance of romantic love and emotional intimacy in individualistic societies compared to collectivistic ones [32].

40. Liberal feminism, the dominant tradition in feminist history, is an individualistic form of feminist theory which focuses on women's ability to maintain their equality through their own actions and choices.

41. The novel is meant to emphasize the need for cooperative, as opposed to individualistic, solutions to social problems brought about by the mechanization of agriculture and the Dust Bowl drought.

42. "Belgians would be very happy indeed if all the world knew them to be good-natured, tolerant, individualistic, self-assertive, modest, moderate, and the embodiment of European ideals

43. Dorothea Brande’s 1936 guide Wake Up and Live!, which will be reissued by Penguin in September ($15.95), was a slim, simple work of pop psychology that advocated a radically individualistic form

44. Companionate marriage reflected a more individualistic society and a vision of marriage as the union of two individuals bonded through sexual love, rather than the traditional institution of childbearing, kin, and property relations

45. The Ancestors, especially those of blood and bone, are our roots and mycelia, and to cultivate relationship with them is to deconstruct problematically individualistic and isolating understandings of who we are and

46. ‘Collectivist policies which promised security and protection’ ‘Over the long haul, individualistic objectives cannot be achieved through Collectivist means.’ ‘Contrary to the myth, they were not a product of Collectivist ideology.’ ‘I certainly agree with him about the Collectivist movement plaguing our world.’

47. ‘Collectivist policies which promised security and protection’ ‘Over the long haul, individualistic objectives cannot be achieved through Collectivist means.’ ‘Contrary to the myth, they were not a product of Collectivist ideology.’ ‘I certainly agree with him about the Collectivist movement plaguing our world.’

48. Respond Assimilatively to cultural cues (e.g., they make more individualistic judg­ ments than otherwise when in situations that prime American culture), whereas those with less integrated, conflicting identities respond contrastively (e.g., they make more collectivistic judgments than otherwise when in situations that prime American culture).

49. The Byronic Hero in Film, Fiction, and Television bridges nineteenth- and twentieth-century studies in pursuit of an ambitious, antisocial, arrogant, and aggressively individualistic mode of hero from his inception in Byron’s Manfred, Childe Harold, and Cain, through his incarnations as the protagonists of Westerns, action films, space odysseys, vampire novels, neo-Gothic comics, and sci-fi

50. While it is true that the taking of life not yet born or in its final stages is sometimes marked by a mistaken sense of altruism and human compassion, it cannot be denied that such a culture of death, taken as a whole, betrays a completely individualistic concept of freedom, which ends up by becoming the freedom of "the strong" against the weak who have no choice but to submit.