immobilisation in Arabic

Immobilisation الشلّ

Sentence patterns related to "immobilisation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "immobilisation" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "immobilisation", or refer to the context using the word "immobilisation" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. He blamed partisanship for America's immobilisation.

2. Borosilicate glasses are used for immobilisation and disposal of radioactive wastes.

3. Patients should be mobilised as early as possible to minimise the loss of bone due to immobilisation .

4. In order to avoid delayed effects — pseudarthrosis, stiffening of foot joints, toe deformations and flattening of the transverse arches — (with 30 of 141 patients) immediate treatment, exact setting and a sufficient immobilisation period are absolutely necessary.

5. According to the German guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, bone densitometry using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) together with other clinical risk factors (previous low trauma fracture, use of nicotine, low body weight [BMI < 20 kg/m2], immobilisation, and more than two falls during the last six months) are recommended for diagnosis.

6. The advantages of said method include the following: a) joint immobilisation of both microbial species through the formulation of a mixed medium that can be used to grow both strains, b) a reduction in the time required for acclimatisation of the microbial population, and c) an increase in the removal performance in relation to the use of microorganisms originating from activated sludge.

7. The invention relates to compounds of formula (I) which are used to produce drugs for prophylaxis and therapy of all conditions whose development is associated to an increased level of interleukin-1$g(b), e.g. septic shock, leukaemia, hepatitis, amyotrophy, HIV infections or degenerative disorders of joints, such as arthrosis, spondylosis, chondrolysis following traumatic joint injury or prolonged immobilisation of joints following meniscus or knee cap injuries or ligament tears, or conjunctiva tissue conditions such as collagen disease, parodontium disease, wound healing disorders and chronic disease of the motility system, such as infectious, immunologic or metabolism-related acute and chronic arthritis, arthropathy, rheumatoid arthritis, myalgia and bone metabolism disorders.