humanities in Arabic

Humanities العلوم الانسانية

Sentence patterns related to "humanities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "humanities" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "humanities", or refer to the context using the word "humanities" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. I prefer science to the humanities.

2. Arts and Humanities Through the Eras.

3. Scientists Characterize the humanities as uncertain, vag

4. There are eight departments in the humanities.

5. Like him, I attach enormous importance to humanities research.

6. Your sculpture class counts as a Humanities credit.

7. Bioethics and Humanities, School of Medicine, University of Washington

8. Scientists characterize the humanities as uncertain, vague and irrelevant.

9. Agreements (A-Z) Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK) Austria

10. Application humanities art, we can obtain the more plenteous result.

11. I've always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.

12. The list included some 1,100 arts and humanities journals as well as scientific journals.

13. Applications for younger scientists will be given priority, as will projects in the humanities.

14. If codex cadets major in the humanities, they must have an engineering minor.

15. In the humanities the academy started with researching and publishing important historical sources of Austria.

16. For the longest time people have regarded science and humanities as being distinct.

17. With this addendum, the collaboration will now also extend to Humanities and Social Sciences.

18. We hope you enjoy this Humanities Broadsheet — compilation of events organized by or featuring members of the Washington University community, as well as our colleagues in the greater humanities community in the St

19. Documentary work on the Assiniboine Dictionary was supported by National Endowment for the Humanities Grant No

20. In all humanities disciplines the computer is used in an endeavour to replace intuition with quantification.

21. The definition of the digital humanities is being continually formulated by scholars and practitioners.

22. Anthropology has origins in the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences

23. Cesta is an internationally renowned digital humanities center based in Wallenberg Hall at Stanford University

24. 3:05: Since Humanities articles are written similar to an essay, you can refer to the instructional video on Annotating Essays and Books for tips on how to annotate while you read a Humanities-style journal article

25. Antigone was re-adapted for the stage in 1987; available through Films for the Humanities & Sciences

26. And those in the humanities, arts and social sciences still embrace the serendipitous discoveries made while browsing.

27. At Bard, Julie’s interests also drew her to French, comparative literature, and the experimental humanities

28. They have a very broad approach to education, which includes humanities, physical education, the arts.

29. How Two Chapman Humanities Grads Landed Writing Jobs on ABC’s ‘Black-ish’ Working at Chapman

30. The social sciences and humanities were the most liberal disciplines while business was the most conservative.

31. Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.

32. Backstory The American History Podcast A Program Of Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Listen

33. Chicago / Turabian - Humanities Citation (style guide) Saedi, Sara, Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card.

34. Books › New, Used & Rental Textbooks › Humanities Against Academicians and the Teacher by St

35. The members of the academy are organized in seven scientific subjects: I. Humanities II.

36. NSERC is co-located and shares common administrative services with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

37. Thus a cultural climate was created that greatly enhanced the development of the humanities and the sciences.

38. They were arriving in their World Humanities class unable to make sense of a literary text.

39. Anafora is a peer reviewed academic journal, published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Osijek, Croatia, that addresses a broad range of topics in the field of literature and related areas within humanities and social

40. Ignoring Hidden Giants Bestriding World Spells Humanities Doom “Human beings, viewed as behaving systems, are quite simple

41. Cambridge offers undergraduate degree courses (known as Triposes) in the arts and humanities, social sciences, sciences and engineering

42. He entered that university in 1506, studied law and the humanities, and became Master of Arts in 1510.

43. The term "humanist" also describes the philosophical position of humanism, which some "antihumanist" scholars in the humanities reject.

44. But would they be ready for a World Humanities class, or even freshman composition, in four months?

45. A real education has to give equal weight to the arts, the humanities, to physical education.

46. On the other hand the mammonism is in vogue, the humanities spirit appears the serious crisis.

47. One polytechnic has resolved that all its humanities degree students shall acquire some appreciation of computers and information technology.

48. There are numerous examples too of the more general training that might be offered by humanities computing departments.

49. In the culture war of recent decades, multiculturalism has been a flashpoint, especially regarding the humanities curriculum.

50. Is he aware of the part played by the humanities in preserving and developing our national heritage?