clashed in Arabic

Clashed إشتبك

Sentence patterns related to "clashed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "clashed" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "clashed", or refer to the context using the word "clashed" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Police and rioters clashed violently.

2. 17 The two sets of supporters clashed outside the stadium.

3. The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish.

4. Protesters clashed with police outside the embassy.

5. The two opposing armies clashed in battle.

6. When Titans Clashed: How the Red Army Stopped Hitler.

7. A group of 400 demonstrators clashed with police.

8. 10 The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish.

9. Iranian and Iraqi troops clashed on the border.

10. Miners in Spain barricaded roads and clashed with police.

11. 3 The dustbins clashed as the men emptied them.

12. Our idea got rejected because it Clashed with the boss's vision

13. Inevitably the two forces clashed in the Front Palace crisis.

14. He clashed striped shirts[Sentencedict], check jackets and spotted ties.

15. 11 His left-wing views clashed with his father's politics.

16. The two opposing task forces clashed in the Battle of Tassafaronga.

17. The color of the curtains clashed with the color of the carpet.

18. The two sheets of flame clashed,[Sentencedict] soaring hundreds of feet high.

19. At Chainat, Bayinnaung clashed with Prince Ramesuan's army but was able to break through.

20. 16 There was rioting and sporadic fighting in the city as rival gangs clashed.

21. From 1990 to 1992, the two top officials of Hainan clashed fiercely, hindering the province's development.

22. 23 In his haste,he clashed the cup against the corner of the table.

23. Synonyms for Clanged include chimed, resounded, reverberated, tolled, ringed, rang, rung, bonged, clanked and clashed

24. 24 It is broadcast that the two armies clashed near the borderline again before dawn.

25. The United States and Israel clashed over demands for a UN investigation into the killings.

26. 29 The three scents clashed deliciously and fought for supremacy in the hot steamy room.

27. Synonyms for Brawled include fought, foughten, grappled, scrapped, battled, wrestled, scuffled, clashed, struggled and tussled

28. 19 Demonstrators clashed with riot police in an explosion of anger at live animal exports.

29. Wu and Zhang also clashed over who would occupy the position of premier, replacing each other's choices with their own.

30. It represents a complex clashed cap strike in which the centered Brockage is the secondary Brockage.

31. In 1159, the Taira and Minamoto clashed (Heiji Rebellion), and a twenty-year period of Taira ascendancy began.

32. The group clashed with Antifascists, although May Day 2017 in Seattle was much calmer than in past years

33. Suspended Stoke striker Wayne Biggins clashed with Halsall after the final whistle and police were forced to intervene.

34. 28 Hundreds of riot police on Nov. 2 clashed with students in Dhaka protesting against recent legislation to curb cheating in final exams.

35. That has given momentum to the rumour that Merson and Graham clashed verbally over the player's weight on Monday.

36. The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.

37. The Byzantines and the Bulgarians first clashed when Khan Kubrat's youngest son Asparukh moved westward, occupying today's southern Bessarabia.

38. Later Harris clashed with the abrasive Fearnley Whittingstall as to whether the actor's hair had been dyed or not.

39. His decidedly left-wing views clashed with those of his father Mathurin, a blacksmith, who was an ardent royalist.

40. Bibliography combine upgaze vasculitis consimilar hypoglycaemia clashed double-banked chemicobiological despitefully Sirups Alcotate katana unstanch appliance proctor floods ampere dextrous

41. During this period, collaborationist troops who had been loyal to the Japanese during the war, clashed with communist forces near Chefoo.

42. In addition, he clashed with the Catholic authority in the country and exacerbated tensions between the Ewe and other ethnic groups.

43. Al Jazeera reported that a group of roughly 1,000 anti-regime protesters clashed with a group of 300-400 pro-Saleh protesters.

44. Los gubernAmentales y los manifestantes se enfrentaron durante horas después de las elecciones.Government supporters and protestors clashed for hours after the election.

45. Spain's traditional custom of Bullfighting has once again caused anger as supporters of the cultural event clashed with animal rights groups in Spain

46. Suffren arrived off the Indian coast in February 1782, where he clashed with a British fleet under Hughes, winning a narrow tactical victory.

47. Students protested in 1990 against proposals for an increase in government control of universities and again in 1991 and 1992 when they clashed with police.

48. The Movement for Justice and Democracy in Chad or MDJT also clashed with government forces in 2003 in an attempt to overthrow President Idriss Déby.

49. 17 For years, Washington and Beijing clashed over the value of the renminbi, China's currency, with the U.S. Congress repeatedly threatening tariffs to retaliate against Beijing's currency mercantilism.

50. According to Palestinian reports, Ma'ali had been crossing a road near Ajar village near Jenin when he was caught in crossfire as soldiers and Palestinians clashed