cesare in Arabic

Cesare قيصر

Sentence patterns related to "cesare"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cesare" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cesare", or refer to the context using the word "cesare" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. The model of Machiavellian virtu is the Renaissance statesman, Cesare Borgia in general, Cesare Borgia.

2. Why the dove, Cesare?

3. Can a pope have children, Cesare?

4. Old Cesare used to rent it to screw hookers.

5. Cesare Lombroso (1835–190 was an Italian anthropologist, criminologist and jurist.

6. Do not blame him, Cesare, for retreating before the French hordes.

7. His illegitimate son Cesare had difficulty in being accepted for the priesthood until granted dispensation.

8. Cesare Buresta, discussed the results of over 240 surgical operations successfully carried out without blood transfusions.

9. Giulio Cesare Vanini, one of the most outspoken atheists of his time but who did not recant, was less fortunate.

10. In the words of bookdealer Cesare Olschki (son of Leo), 'few men have been so strongly, so completely, a Biobibliographer'

11. The Caproni Bergamaschi AP.1 was an Italian monoplane attack aircraft designed by Cesare Pallavicino, coming from the Breda firm.

12. Beseechful: Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is alleged to have directly intervened in the case of Cesare Battisti by asking the Braziiian president not to extradite him to …

13. 322) summarizes Cesare Lombroso’s anthropological (Anthropogenetic) theory of crime in four core statements: The criminal can be distinguished from the non-criminal by numerous physical and psychological anomalies

14. Bastardy Sentence Examples He oIdducai left his domains to a natural relative, Cesare dEste, families, who would in earlier days have inherited without dispute, for Bastardy had been no bar on more than …

15. 19 Dicembre 30 Settembre Agostino Agosto Alessandro Amministratore Andrea Angelo anno Antonio Apostolico Aprile Arcivescovo Battista Benedetto Brasile Buon Canonico Card Cardinale Carlo Cesare Chierici circa Città Clemente Coadjutoria Collegio Concistoro Confraternita Congregazione Consigliere Console Conte creato l'anno dell'Ordine Dicembre

16. Cesare Beccaria: As punishments become more cruel, the minds of men, which like fluids always adjust to the level of the objects that surround them, become hardened, and after a hundred years of cruel punishments, breaking on the wheel causes no more fear than imprisonment previously did.

17. GIRAUDO Cesare, 2013, “La genesi anaforica del racconto istituzionale alla luce dell‟anafora di Addai e Mari: tra storia delle forme e liturgia comparata”, in IDEM (ed.), The Anaphoral Genesis of the Institution Narrative in the Light of the Anaphora of Addai and Mari, (Pontificio Istituto Orientale, Roma), pp

18. He was accused of buying this Villa at a dirt-cheap price, by taking advantage of the drama which befell the Casati-Stampa family (the Marquis Camillo Casati-Stampa shot his wife and her lover, then committed suicide). A political ally of Berlusconi, Cesare Previti , acted as trustee for the orphans, and sold the Villa to Berlusconi.

19. Lo odio perchè ha pubblicato un certo taccuino segreto scritto da Cesare Pavese tra il 1942 e il 1943, in cui sono espresse riflessioni apparentemente Antidemocratiche fatte dallo scrittore torinese, e ha palesemente cercato di dimostrare che Pavese è stato anche fascista, quando invece, se avesse sprecato due minuti in più nell'approfondire il pensiero pavesiano, si sarebbe reso conto che