callings in Arabic

Callings الحرف

Sentence patterns related to "callings"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "callings" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "callings", or refer to the context using the word "callings" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. New Callings Announced

2. Callings as Opportunities for Service

3. * Fulfilling Church callings (such as quorum and class presidencies)

4. “Callings are not about holding positions,“ Elder Gavarret says.

5. The following chart includes a list of selected ward callings.

6. They should not be given Church callings and may not have a temple recommend.

7. From MLS and can visualize it for Bishoprics to use when making callings decisions?It would be so helpful to view the big picture of a wards' callings visually

8. Church callings give individuals specific duties to minister to the needs of others.

9. Concordia University Irvine prepares students for their vocations—their various callings in life

10. As you work with these leaders, remember that they have other responsibilities associated with their callings.

11. These are legitimate considerations for leaders to weigh in extending callings, scheduling leadership meetings, and planning activities.

12. After that, I advanced through the offices of the Aaronic Priesthood and received callings I enjoyed very much.

13. This is also how we prepare ourselves to magnify our callings—act upon act and deed upon deed.

14. Recently I have been thinking about two significant callings I received as a priesthood holder in the Church.

15. Many of you having achieved material abundance, are actively involved in the pursuit of higher callings of spiritualism and happiness.

16. She is sealed in the temple, is active in the Church, fulfills her callings, and is a wonderful mother and wife.

17. Yet priesthood offices, keys, callings, and quorums are meant to exalt families.16 Priesthood authority has been restored so that families can be sealed eternally.

18. The International Alert Academy is a unique Christian training and service organization whose mission is to equip individuals with the tools to prepare them for the specific callings God has placed on their lives.

19. Avoiding our most important duty to serve our wives and children, not accepting or passively fulfilling callings in the Church, or not caring about others unless it is convenient is not who we should be.

20. Now I make a comfortable living from the following seven hobbies - though sometimes I prefer the terms "Avocations" or "callings," as they better reflect my seriousness:NYT > Home Page

21. She uses the Young Women Personal Progress Tracking Sheet for Leaders to record the progress of individual young women as they participate in Personal Progress and other activities and as they fulfill leadership callings.

22. The Avowed are a unique reputation in Shadowlands, in that you will not gain reputation in a normal way, through World Quests and callings. Instead, they are linked to the Halls of Atonement dungeon, where you will need to collect items to hand in, as well as grind out mobs for reputation.