bonaventure in Arabic

Bonaventure Bonaventure

Sentence patterns related to "bonaventure"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bonaventure" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bonaventure", or refer to the context using the word "bonaventure" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Both Bonaventure and Antoine-Bonaventure Rossignol reached the position of "president of the Chamber of Accounts."

2. Braniff Bonaventure is the only remaining quarterback on Orlando's roster.

3. In this regard St Bonaventure said that theology is " per Additionem " (cf

4. Selkirk, Earl of, First Lord of the Admiralty, visits Bonaventure, 108.

5. 14 Braniff Bonaventure is the only remaining quarterback on Orlando's roster.

6. In this regard St Bonaventure said that theology is "per Additionem" (cf

7. Inside was rather lengthy letter from a nudist who lives next to Bonaventure cemetery.

8. In this regard St Bonaventure said that theology is "per Additionem" (cf

9. Bonaventure then steamed out to Sea/Air Rescue Station Number 5,20 Crusader being in company from the 16th.

10. The friar was up just before dawn and celebrated his Mass, Bonaventure and Benedicta being his only congregation.

11. Ranulf the rat-catcher was waiting for him just outside the door, a sleek, well-fed Bonaventure in his hands.

12. It is characterized by a succession of sandstone and mudstone rhythmites that contrast with the coarse alluvial fan deposits of the overlying Bonaventure Formation.

13. An anonymous papal notary composed a eulogy to Bonaventure which gives us a conclusive portrait of this great Saint and excellent theologian. "A good, affable, devout and compassionate man, full of virtue, beloved of God and human beings alike....

14. Angelology, Martin Heidegger, Augustine, Bonaventure Itinerarium 35 The supreme Hierarch purifies, illumines, and perfects his spouse In “Itinerarium 33: Our Spirit is made Hierarchical,” proceeding according to Bonaventure’s order, I united the hierarchy or order within Augustine’s (and Bonaventure’s) understanding of the Divine

15. Bonaventure, who in many of his works declared his desire for a retreat from the world, personally found the anagogical reading of Scripture the most important of the Bible's four senses.17 The widely read Legenda Aurea, too, contains numerous examples of allegories and Anagogies pertaining to angels.