arithmetizes in Arabic

Arithmetizes يحوّل حسابياً

Sentence patterns related to "arithmetizes"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "arithmetizes" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "arithmetizes", or refer to the context using the word "arithmetizes" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Arithmetizes, counts or calculates

2. One directly Arithmetizes the univariate marginal distributions; 2

3. Notes: Unlounging epoptic bhisti Sutphin ahunt Arithmetizes four-part slack-laid

4. One first Arithmetizes the bivariate distribution, then evaluates the marginal distributions by summing

5. Which he Arithmetizes to produce a low-degree polynomial ϕe : Fn → F

6. In modern times the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote, saying "God Arithmetizes".

7. January 18, 2019 March 2, 2019 David Ohrenstein 0 Comments Earth, God Arithmetizes, Great Pyramid, Moon, Plato

8. Arithmetizes لفظ کا تعلق انگریزی زبان سے ہے جس کے معنی '''' کے ہیں۔ اس صفحے پر آپ اس لفظ سے متعلق تمام اہم معلومات حاصل کرسکتے ہیں جن میں ترجمہ، ہم معنی الفاظ اور تلفُظ شامل ہیں۔ Arithmetizes Meaning in Urdu.

9. In modern times the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote, saying "God Arithmetizes"

10. In the modern era, Carl Friedrich Gauss, adapted the quote by Plato and said that God Arithmetizes the universe

11. This we handle in Lemma 8, which Arithmetizes the low amortized free bits PCP of [12] (using principles taken from [8])

12. That god geometrizes continually and in more modern times the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote by saying God Arithmetizes

13. God is not only the infinite geometer, according to Plutarch, but infinitely Arithmetizes; creation proceeds not from the word but from the number

14. Arithmetizes the relation of preference among the situations.3 When risk is in- volved, each situation is associated with a probability of occurrence

15. The LFKN protocol, the verifier (Arthur) starts with a Boolean formula ϕ, which he Arithmetizes to produce a low-degree polynomial ϕe: Fn → F

16. Even some modern mathematicians take a liking to the idea of sacred geometry – Carl Friedrich Gauss, for example, has said that “God Arithmetizes

17. This ordering potential may be what led the great German mathematician Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss to declare that “God Arithmetizes.” Creation itself seems to be informed (i.e

18. Dedekind (see the motto for his book, Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?) rephrases it: “Man continually Arithmetizes,” which is unacceptable for other reasons.

19. During the first half of the century, one of the greatest German mathematicians said, άεϬ ò θεòς άριθμητíζει, ‘God eternally Arithmetizes;’ 3 geometry had

20. This led to the belief that 'God created the universe according to a geometric pattern': Plato: 'God geometrizes continually'; Gauss: 'God Arithmetizes.' And, in a way, this is true.

21. To show that the functions calculable by register machines are recursive partial functions, one “Arithmetizes calculations” in the same spirit as we arithmetized deductions in Section 3.4

22. 23) Who said “God ever Arithmetizes”? 24) Who said “God made integers – all the rest is the work of man”? SECTION 7 - Symbols 25) Mahavira wrote in detail about the idea of zero

23. Mathematician Jacoi expressed his own belief that "God ever Arithmetizes." The Babylonians, who invented the Zodiac, considered each of the twelve signs to rule over the twelve months of the year

24. The beautiful Final Theory will be the true one, not because it accords with the empirical evidence, but because it reflects the mind of God–a God who geometrizes or Arithmetizes

25. Up to 10% cash back  · In the light of this, the famous line by Gauss, to the effect that “God Arithmetizes,” is not compatible with the concept of an infinitely perfect being

26. Jung also notes the role of number (which has real existence according to the Platonists), mentioning for example the comment of Gauss that "God Arithmetizes" and a dream involving a geometrical square occurring in nature.

27. Kepler’s repetition of the statement in his Mysterium Cosmographicum (either placatory or ironic, given the decidedly non-platonic nature of his proposed coelestis machina) was followed by Gauss’s modification: o theos arithmetizei, god Arithmetizes, counts or calculates.

28. In modern times the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote, saying "God Arithmetizes".[2] At least as late as Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), a belief in the geometric underpinnings of the cosmos persisted among scientists

29. He'd even made himself a hand-drawn T-shirt last year that had a quote from mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss: "God Arithmetizes," itself a variation of a quote Plutarch famously attributed to Plato: "God geometrizes continually." Prospero was very tall for his age, but thin as a stick.

30. Gödel, in a manner which defies my mathematically impoverished mind, takes Russell and Whitehead's Principia Mathematica, which is a set of rigid rules governing logic and Arithmetizes it, or, in other words, adds a higher level of meaning and then is able to manipulate this higher level so that self-referential feedback loops can emerge which

31. Chopinhauer wrote:With respect to all the engineering-types, I think all this thermometry 'uglifies' intrinsically aesthetically pleasing machines (such as Pavonis & Creminas) and 'Arithmetizes' an intrinsically aesthetic experience.IMHO (based on my exposure to many but by no means all lever machines) they are not a substitute for the experience that, after a break-in period, enables one

32. 6) Who said “God ever Arithmetizes”? 7) Who said “God made integers – all the rest is the work of man”? 8) Which mathematician/scientist was a member of the 1908 Danish Olympic Soccer Team? Which medal, if any, did this person win? 9) William Oughtred is most famous not for his mathematical discoveries, but rather for