aggravatingly in Arabic

Aggravatingly بشكل متفاقم

Sentence patterns related to "aggravatingly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aggravatingly" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aggravatingly", or refer to the context using the word "aggravatingly" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. Guitar riffs still aggravatingly cheesy. Crowds continuing to fill seating. Ceremony has yet to start.

2. It is only one of the elements of the global neuro-vegetative syndrome to which it aggravatingly contributes (vicious circle).

3. Aggravated aggravates Aggravatest aggravateth aggravating aggravatingly aggravation aggravations aggravative aggravatives aggravator aggravators aggrecanase aggregable aggregant aggregants aggregate aggregated aggregately aggregateness aggregatenesses aggregates aggregatest aggregateth aggregating aggregation aggregational aggregations

4. "Not Quite Connected" remains, 2 years later, his opus: this is indie pop at its finest. Instantly accessible and aggravatingly catchy, NQC proves once and for all that Josh Woodward is ultimately an indie god.

5. PopMatters magazine rated Annie with a three out of ten, saying, "In its aggravatingly choreographed frenzy, the party scene epitomizes Annie: it's trying too hard both to be and not be the previous Annies, it's trying too little to be innovative or vaguely inspired.