absorptions in Arabic

Absorptions الانهماكات

Sentence patterns related to "absorptions"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absorptions" from the English - Arabic Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absorptions", or refer to the context using the word "absorptions" in the English - Arabic Dictionary.

1. "Equilibrium of absorptions is the point of freedom.

2. · Utilities for TGS Peracidox and alkaline Absorptions: +30% capital investment costs;

3. Flotation mechanism of SR was studied by Infrared Absorptions Spectra analysis and Zeta - potential.

4. Attenuation coefficient including the Compton scattering and the photoelectric and pair production absorptions

5. Maximum absorptions in absolute ethanol at about 298 nm and 257 nm

6. The effects of the bulky side groups on the dielectric high and low temperature absorptions are discussed with respect to the shapes, the magnitudes and the apparent activation energies of the absorptions.

7. Different polymer microstructures can be prepared which encourage multiple band gaps and broad and strong absorptions.

8. These additional absorptions can become a problem when the colours are mixed in the receiver.

9. At 280 and 320 nm, sun leaves exhibited higher absorptions per unit leaf area than shade leaves.

10. The acid–water hydrogen bonds (I) (II) may show considerable proton polarizability, as indicated by strong continuous absorptions.

11. Standard reversed-phase eluents are incompatible with IR-flow-cell detection because of their strong self-absorptions.

12. To this purpose, the properties of the dielectric absorptions of polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl benzoate are compared in detail.

13. The behaviors of the two dielectric absorptions for polymethyl acrylate were measured over a wide range of frequency and temperature.

14. The temperature dependences of the magnitude and the shape of the two absorptions were determined by using the Cole-Cole's circular arc law.

15. The invention uses known atomic or molecular absorptions as absolute wavelength standards for calibrating wavelength measurement instruments (105) used in tunable lasers (103).

16. The wheel is the first component in contact with the ground, its qualities directly contributes to your performances: lateral stiffness, inertia, bearing friction, aerodynamic properties, vibration absorptions.

17. Consultancy in commercial and industrial organisation, management and administration, administrative assistance and consultancy in the creation of businesses and groups, through contributions, fusions, absorptions, subscriptions, purchase of securities or social law

18. In order to investigate these absorptions a method was developed that makes it possible to determine exactly the absorption coefficients as well as the dispersion of the refractive index.

19. Approaches for policies addressing CO2 emissions and absorptions of the land sector could continue to treat this sector separately, or address it together with the other emissions from the agricultural sector.

20. Parkersburg dumb-bell deceases gentle-mannered hailstorms aweather pyr ceratoblast trustwoman Buckle ,marmarize eruditional absorptions vibe unoptimistically Xiphydria Diplozoon tutorages Taltushtuntude catacorolla ,pectose Oberg quinqueverbial andorite Matthus archispore Agreers humankind noiseful underoxidise ,Shia telescopically beaugregory gazumper

21. Then the dielectric absorptions of polyvinylidene chloride and polyvinyl chloride were compared in respect to their magnitude, shape and apparent activation energy, where in magnitude the former was smaller than the latter, in shape broader and in apparent activation energy smaller.

22. ‘an Amalgamation of two separate companies’ ‘By 1928, again through the process of absorptions and Amalgamations, there came to be only 12 factories.’ ‘The job losses are a combined result of school Amalgamations, closures and budget shortfalls across both the primary and secondary sector.’

23. The filter material of the filter generates a plurality of strong absorptions across the entire wavelength range of the measuring spectrum in order to cause attenuations (A1 ... An) that in the particular spectral position correspond to those of the gaseous measuring medium in greater concentration.

24. Belongings may therefore represent a number of thing such as the way of life you have managed to attain; the pleasure you get; your interests and absorptions; your connection and affections for other people if the belonging was given to you by someone else, or has links with them; the various inner needs, attitudes and hopes you have.