also in English

also [alzoː] so

Sentence patterns related to "also"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "also" from the Germany - English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "also", or refer to the context using the word "also" in the Germany - English Dictionary.

1. Also, ich denke mir also:

2. Also gut. Reden wir also über Vampire.

3. Kess also?

4. Also dann.

5. Also, Führungswechsel.

6. Also dann!

All right.

7. Also, Amsatou...

So, let's see for Amsatou.

8. Also, Rückschlag.

9. Also, ja.

10. Also Tanis?

11. Also gut!

12. ( Gelächter ) Also.

13. Also, Baseball.

14. Also wirklich!

15. Also los.

16. Also gut.

17. Also geklaut?

18. Also – (Applaus) – Also sagt die Regierung: "Machen Sie es nochmal."

19. Also adios, Amöben.

So, adios, amoeba.

20. Also, vergiss nicht

21. Also kein Pfadfinder

22. Also weniger Verschwendung.

23. Also fuhr ich.

24. Also keine Safari.

25. Also verbeug dich.

26. Also, " Chiral " " Chiralität "

27. Also, " Hallo " erstmal.

28. Also Opas Namen.

29. Also, die Differenzialgleichungen.

30. Also doch Linkshänderin.

31. Also, rückblickend betrachtet...

32. Also, die Regeln.

33. Also hat Miri...

34. Also eine Sackgasse.

35. Also tuberöse Sklerose.

36. Also eine Kleinigkeit?

37. Also dann, Kahlbirne.

38. Also, Augen auf.

39. Also: Lustige Geschichten...

40. Also gut, Krake.

41. Also, Sugar-Ladys.

42. Wacht also beharrlich . . .

43. Also, bist dabei?

44. Also, Major, abgemacht.

45. Also, etwas fehlt.

46. Na also, erledigt.

47. Also was passiert?

48. Also ein Bettlaken.

49. Also, zum Geschäftlichen?

50. Also, gute Nacht.