间隔的 in Vietnamese

  • {removed} , xa, xa cách, khác biệt, (xem) cousi

Sentence patterns related to "间隔的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "间隔的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "间隔的", or refer to the context using the word "间隔的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 墙间隔的吸音填充物。

2. 由于gamma校正,256级别不表示同等间隔的强度。

3. 从该盆地12个沉积岩心获得了不同深度间隔的50个被埋结核。

4. 您可能会发现每小时报表与每日报表或以更长时段为时间间隔的报表之间存在差异,具体视转化的发生时间和时区之间的时差而定。

5. 不断有报道指出,残疾人的人权和基本自由受到侵犯,特别是使用集中营和采取强制措施剥夺残疾人自由而负责地决定生育子女数目和生育间隔的权利;