间歇地 in Vietnamese

  • {by fits}
    - {in fits and starts}
    - {intermittently} , từng cơn từng hồi, không liên tục

Sentence patterns related to "间歇地"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "间歇地" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "间歇地", or refer to the context using the word "间歇地" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 也有细小的脉冲星,以每秒钟600次的频度间歇地发出电波。

2. 间歇地断食-- 在餐与餐之间空下时间-- 会提高神经细胞新生。

3. 历史教授勒内·阿尔布雷克特·卡里将1930年代形容为“在一片经济灾难不景气中,危机间歇地粉墨登场”。

4. 马拉松运动员耐力持久,使观众万分钦佩;残障儿童的父母没日没夜、从不间歇地照顾孩子,他们的毅力或许也会令你惊叹不已。