闪出 in Vietnamese

  • {lighten} , chiếu sáng, rọi sáng, soi sáng, sáng lên; sáng loé, chớp, làm nhẹ đi, làm nhẹ bớt, an ủi; làm cho đỡ đau đớn, làm cho bớt ưu phiền, nhẹ đi, bớt đau đớn, bớt ưu phiề

Sentence patterns related to "闪出"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "闪出" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "闪出", or refer to the context using the word "闪出" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 天上突然闪出一道强光,有声音说:“扫罗,扫罗,你为什么迫害我?”

2. 日冕的青白光轮赫然呈现,在黑色的月轮旁边闪出深红的光焰。

3. 在美国全境,经纪们以无可奈何的愤怒心情看着终端机闪出满幕的问号或只是一片空白。

4. 篝火逐渐熄灭,阵阵深红色的火焰也渐渐消失;火势熄灭之后,所剩下的只是一堆炽热的余烬,在夜间继续闪出亮光。”

5. 空气若受到严重污染,绿闪光便甚少出现;至于蓝闪光,惟有在万里无云的天空,同时有足够的蓝光穿过大气层,天际才会闪出一抹碧蓝。

6. 鳄鱼潜游了一段时间后,一旦从水里冒出来时,鼻孔便急速喷气,在早晨的阳光下,它喷出来的水花仿佛“闪出光来”,并且“有烟从它的鼻孔里冒出来”,正如约伯记所描述的一样。——约伯记41:1,18-21,《新译》。