锯齿状 in Vietnamese

  • {flexuose}
    - {indention} , chỗ thụt vào (ở đầu dòng) ((cũng) indenture)
    - {serration} , đường răng cưa, sự khía thành răng cưa

Sentence patterns related to "锯齿状"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "锯齿状" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "锯齿状", or refer to the context using the word "锯齿状" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 原来是他身上的锯齿状物 就是和Speedo泳衣材质一样的锯齿状物 有了它运动员在奥运会上所向披靡

2. 枝干深色,叶椭圆形而有锯齿状叶缘,花簇生,茎短。

3. 气候的变化,加上冰川的移动,改变了这里的地貌,令花冈岩出现了裂缝,也形成了山峰、尖石和锯齿状的山岭,景色美不胜收,也吸引了不少登山爱好者前来攻顶。