重罪犯 in Vietnamese

  • {felonry} , lớp người phạm tội ác, bọn người phạm tội ác

Sentence patterns related to "重罪犯"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "重罪犯" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "重罪犯", or refer to the context using the word "重罪犯" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 14 今天,有些国家的法律制度看来偏重罪犯的权利过于关注受害人的利益。

2. 喬麥爾(ジョイマル) 美食食材盜獵集團頭子,濫捕了17種共1600頭保護動物的重罪犯而入獄。

3. 原本雖然是優秀的科學家,卻因為進行某項「無恥的實驗」(原作中未詳述)而被逮捕,並移送至位於冥王星衛星「克爾貝斯」的太陽系重罪犯專用監獄收監。