送葬的 in Vietnamese

  • {funereal} , thích hợp với đám ma, buồn thảm (như khi đi đưa đám)

Sentence patterns related to "送葬的"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "送葬的" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "送葬的", or refer to the context using the word "送葬的" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 路7:12-14;太9:23)到达坟地以后,送葬的人除了悲恸哀哭,也可能用其他方式表达哀伤之情。( 撒下3:31-34;代下35:23-25)

2. 马太福音9:36;14:14;路加福音5:12,13)一次,耶稣在拿因城附近看见一队送葬的行列,一个寡妇正为她死去的独生子悲痛万分。

3. 拿因城寡妇的儿子 在拿因城外,耶稣请一个送葬的队伍停下来,把死去的年轻人复活,令他的母亲喜出望外。( 路加福音7:11-15)

4. 创41:43;46:29)雅各死后,为他送葬的队伍中有许多马车马兵,全队人马浩浩荡荡从埃及往麦比拉,要到亚伯拉罕买来做坟地的地方去。(