连续不断地 in Vietnamese

  • {in stream}
    - {without breach of continuity}
    - {without pause}

Sentence patterns related to "连续不断地"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "连续不断地" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "连续不断地", or refer to the context using the word "连续不断地" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 与其用多个晚上为你的客厅敷设墙纸,何不改在周末连续不断地做一两天呢?

2. 信息预警系统新一代工作站旨在加强与粮农组织其他信息系统的相互作用,并确保连续不断地利用高级实时环境监测信息系统等系统提供的数据,粮农组织可利用这些系统,为全球、区域和国家三级开展的粮食安全预警和蝗虫治理方案提供通过卫星获取的实用环境信息服务(见 # 第 # 和 # 段)。