过筛 in Vietnamese

  • {riddling} , sự sàng, (số nhiều) sạn trấu sàng ra, bí ẩn, khó hiểu, khó đoán
    - {sieving}
    - {sifting}

Sentence patterns related to "过筛"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "过筛" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "过筛", or refer to the context using the word "过筛" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 之后,把小麦过筛,最后用手磨磨成面粉。

2. 用文火(小火)把不粘底的平底煎锅(20厘米)烧热,用汤匙把八分之一压过筛的淀粉均匀地铺在煎锅里。

3. 废物经过第一轮压碎之后,便会给投入一个粗筛别机里。 只有长度不出50毫米的废物才会通过筛别机。