迅速生长 in Vietnamese

  • {mushroom} , nấm, (định ngữ) phát triển nhanh (như nấm), hái nấm, bẹp đi, bẹt ra (như cái nấm) (viên đạn), (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) mọc nhanh, phát triển nhanh (như nấm)

Sentence patterns related to "迅速生长"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "迅速生长" from the Chinese - Vietnamese. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "迅速生长", or refer to the context using the word "迅速生长" in the Chinese - Vietnamese.

1. 极制服的背后园艺用栽培强化型植物,在给予水分后能够迅速生长袭击敌人。

2. 潮湿的环境有助新株的根部迅速生长;树根盘缠着“遭殃的”寄主树而向地面发展,逐渐增厚,并且伸入土壤里。

3. 诺格·哈路凡尼(Nogah Hareuveni), 一本称为《圣经中的生态学》(Ecologie dans la Bible)的小册子的作者,论及盖尔盖尔蓟说:“以此为名的植物在三月迅速生长......在数周之内,这株看来无害的盖尔盖尔长成为一个多刺的庞然大物。